
I can’t stand the forlorn look on his face so I decide to elaborate. “It’s not as sudden as it seems. We’ve been friends for years. We just decided in the past week to try for something more.”

“I see.”

“But I did have a nice time on our dates,” I stammer. “You’re a nice guy. It was...nice.”

Christopher flinches every time I say nice and then he clears his throat. “Okay then. Well, I need to get back to my office. I suppose I’ll see you around.”

I bite my lip to avoid another nervous outburst as he walks away. I think that went well, all things considered. He doesn’t need to know that the only reason I made a deal with Brody was to get laid, right? Speaking of...I can’t get that damn man-child out of my head today. There was never any doubt that Brody and I have chemistry, but last night was unreal. I can’t stop thinking about all the wicked things he can do with his tongue.

Here’s a confession for you: I’ve never really enjoyed giving blow jobs before. I mean, I didn’t hate them, but it was always more of a tit for tat thing. If I expected a guy to go down on me, I should be willing to return the favor. It’s a matter of common courtesy. With Brody though, I was fully aroused before ever touching him. I was actually looking forward to it. And during the act itself? I couldn’t get enough. I would’ve happily treated his peen like the best lollipop in the world all night long if I wasn’t concerned about getting lockjaw. Since we’re being so truthful, I’ll admit that I freaked out, which is why I bailed so quickly afterwards. If oral was that good, I can’t imagine how actual sex will be. I keep telling myself to keep my emotions out of this, but being with Brody was like a friggin’ religious experience. If I didn’t bolt, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to keep things casual like they need to be. I needed time to gather my wits. This thing with Brody has an expiration date. I want to settle down and be a mom one day— preferably sooner rather than later. That means I don’t have time to waste with a man that doesn’t have long-term potential. Brody and I have been dancing around our attraction to each other for years so there’s no better time than now to act on that. We can get off while we’re getting each other out of our systems. Then, once that’s done, I resume looking for Mr. Right. Simple, right? I decide to text Brody so we can finish what we started yesterday.


Hey you. I’m off at six tonight if you feel like coming over. If it’s early enough, we should have plenty of time to pick up where we left off.

He responds within seconds.

Brody: Sorry, babe. I’ll be working late tonight. Raincheck?

I’m more bummed about that than I’d like to admit. Only because of his talented tongue, of course.

Me: No prob. Maybe another night.

Brody: Can’t wait.

Me: Did you really just emoji kiss me?

Brody: I sure did.

I laugh. He may have the maturity of a thirteen-year-old, but I’m willing to admit that’s part of his charm. What’s the harm in playing along?

Me: Have a good day, Brody. Let me know when your wants to hook up with my .

Brody: Will do, darlin’. In the meantime, I’ll be thinking about all the things I’m going to do to your pretty .

I laugh harder this time, garnering curious looks from my co-workers sitting behind the nurse’s station. I also have to clench my thighs together and will Gina to slow her roll. Who knew you could be so amused and turned on at the same time?

Damn him.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I keep thinking about my earlier texts with Rainey. I love this new dynamic we have. I’ve always known she had a playful side hiding beneath her snarky surface, but I can’t say I ever expected to experience it firsthand. You certainly won’t hear me complaining. I’ve been busting my ass all afternoon so I can cut out of work early and surprise her. I feel like a dick for making her think I didn’t have time for her but I like catching Rainey off guard. Between you and me, she’s a tough nut to crack. I’m a man that enjoys a challenge, but I like the rare glimpses I get of her softer side when she forgets to don the tough girl mask.

Balancing a hot pizza in one hand and cold beer in the other, I exit the elevator that leads to Rainey’s third floor condo. I press her doorbell with my elbow and wait. I can hear her making her way to the front door so I stare straight into the peephole and grin.

Rainey opens her door, looking beautifully confused. “Brody, what are you doing here? I thought you had to work late.”

She’s still in her scrubs and her long hair is thrown into a messy bun on the top of her head. She’s not wearing a stitch of makeup today which makes me smile. Rainey could easily convince someone she’s twenty-three rather than thirty-three, but it’s even more pronounced with a fresh face. Her natural beauty always renders me speechless.

I gesture to the food and drink. “I finished up early and thought you might be hungry.”

“I’m starving. I just walked in the door a few minutes ago.” She steps aside so I can enter the apartment. “I need to take a shower first though. I’m pretty sure I have placenta on me somewhere.”

Okay, as gross as that image is, my dick is still half hard because I can’t stop thinking about her soaping up in the shower. “Take your time, princess. I’ll just put this in the kitchen until you’re done.”