The disgusted glare she gives me tells me there was no chance she missed that. Is it weird that I think she’s even hotter when she’s pissed?

“Wow,” she scoffs. “Even better. So not only are you asking me out within hours of leaving two women in bed after marathon sex, but you also seem to be missing the point that we are in a hospital, not a nightclub. If that weren’t enough, you are my patient.”

“I won’t be your patient after I get out of here.”

“Well, you’re persistent, I’ll give you that,” she mutters.

“C’mon, Rainey. Look, I know the way we met isn’t exactly...conventional. But I’d like to think it was fate. Maybe the big guy put me in this colossally embarrassing situation so I could find you. You never know; we could be soulmates.”

“I’m fairly certain a guy like you doesn’t believe in the concept of soulmates,” she argues.

Okay, this obviously isn’t going well but I decide to go for broke anyway. There’s just something about her that makes me want to know her better. And not just in the naked sense.

“Look, I know you’re attracted to me. I saw the interest in your expression clear as day when you first walked into the room.”

“Now wait a min—”

I hold my hand up. “Let me finish. You’re attracted to me. I’m attracted to you. What’s the harm in seeing if there’s anything beyond that?”

She chews on her lip. “Are you done?”

“I guess.”

“I’m flattered, Brody, and at the same time, a little skeeved out that you’re asking me out right after having sex with someone else. Two someone elses. But that’s beside the point. I don’t date patients. Ever. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no chance I’m going to convince you to bend that rule, is there?”

She shakes her head. “Not even a little.”

Well, damn.

Chapter Four


Wow, I thought that shift would never end. I was seeing patients back-to-back all night so I didn’t get a chance to chart my

notes until the day staff came in. It’s just after nine in the morning and I want nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed. As I step into the elevator that leads to the parking garage, I decide to make one quick stop before leaving. A single mom gave birth the other night and she and the baby are going home today. She didn’t have anyone to help her through the delivery so I wound up filling in as her coach. You get to talk a lot during thirteen hours of labor and I really like her. She’s new to the area and the only family she has is an older brother who seems a bit clueless about the whole baby thing. Being one of six children with parents that are still married, I can’t imagine navigating motherhood without a huge support system in place. At the very least, I’d like her to know that she has a friend in me if she’d like.

“Knock knock,” I say, as if my actual knocking wouldn’t do the job.

“Come in,” she calls.

I step into the room, mindful of my footsteps. Newborn babies can typically sleep through anything but if you have the rare infant who doesn’t, you don’t want to wake that baby. My stealth probably isn’t necessary considering morning rounds were just completed, but a habit all the same.

Devyn smiles when she sees me. “Hey, Rainey.”

She looks tired, as expected, but she definitely has that new mom glow going on.

“Hey Mama, I was on my way out and wanted to check in on you and Nathan before I left.”

She looks down to the little boy in her arms. “Oh, that’s really sweet of you.”

I come closer to take a seat at the edge of the bed. “So, today’s the big day you two get to go home. Are you excited?”

She rubs her hand over her son’s swaddled back. “I think so...I mean, it’s not like I can stay here longer just because I’m a little freaked out about doing this, right?”

I chuckle. “ companies typically frown on that, but I know you’ll be fine. It’s scary at first, but then your instincts take over and it’s all downhill from there.”