I wink. “I’ve been called worse.”

Twenty minutes later, Rainey joins me in the kitchen, looking and smelling much better than she did when I left her. I place a plate of dry toast topped with sliced bananas on the breakfast bar and pull the stool out for her.


She takes a seat and grumbles, “Thanks.”

I round the counter and take a sip of coffee. When I see Rainey eyeballing it longingly I say, “Sorry, babe, no can do.” I nod to the glass of water sitting next to her. “Clear liquids only until we know you can keep them down.”

“Jerk,” she says, glaring.

“Aw honey, you know you don’t mean that. C’mon, admit it; you’re glad I stayed so you could feast your eyes on all of this.” I wave my hands up and down my body and wiggle my eyebrows.

Rainey smirks. “I may have appreciated the water and crackers last night. And the breakfast.”

“See? Was that so hard to admit? And to think, all I ask in return is that you wear a sexy nurse’s costume the next time I see you.”

“Oh, is that all?”

I shrug. “I wouldn’t be opposed if you wanted to throw in some head. I did go to sleep with a pretty serious case of blue balls last night.”

Rainey gives me a wry look. “Duly noted, Brody. Slutty nurse with a side of blow job. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Wow, you should get food poisoning more often. You’re awfully amenable. I like this Rainey.”

She full on laughs this time. “I aim to please.”

I lean over the counter and kiss her forehead. “And I’m more than happy to return the favor. I need to get to work. Get some rest and let me know how you’re doing later.” I open the front door and add, “Oh, and Rainey?”


I wink. “I look forward to picking up where we left off.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


It’s unseasonably warm for early fall in Seattle, yet I’m standing here wearing an a

nkle length rain coat. Why, you ask? Because I’m about to make Brody Harris a very happy man.

“Yeah?” he calls through the door after I knock.

“It’s Rainey.”

I hear muffled curses and loud stomping as he makes his way to the door. He swings it open with a huge smile. “Well, hello. To what do I owe this honor?”

“Are you in there alone?”

Brody tilts his head to the side. “Yeah...why do you ask?”

I slip under his arm and step into the living room right off the entryway. I look around to confirm that we are, in fact, alone. “I wasn’t sure with all the noise when I knocked. Thought maybe you were hiding some skank in a closet or something.”

He smirks. “Honey, you’re the only skank I want in my closet.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“That didn’t come out right,” he laughs.