Does now work for you? I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from saying that out loud. Jesus, I need to get laid.

“Okaaay,” Devyn says. “I think I’m going to go help Drew carry those drinks back.”

Turncoat, I mouth to her. She’s always sneaking away when Brody and I are bickering.

Brody slides into the chair next to mine. “How’ve you been, Rainey? I haven’t seen you around in a while.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s been four days, dumbass.”

He flashes his stupidly perfect teeth. “So, you’re keeping track now? Good to know.”

“Quit trying to read between the lines, Brody. I was simply making a statement.”

He places his arm on the back of my chair and whispers in my ear. “If I’m going to be between anything, I’d prefer your thighs.”

Goddamn, I hate how easily he can turn me on. I can feel the flush moving across my skin and there’s no chance of hiding it with my fair complexion. I can feel his grin against my earlobe as he notices. You know what? Fuck it, I’m calling his bluff.

His muscles tighten when I place my hand on his thigh. “Then let’s go back to my place so you can put your money where your mouth is.”

He jerks back in surprise. “What?”

My fingers crawl up his leg, stopping right below his hip. “You heard me, Brody. You’ve been bragging about your sexual prowess since the day we met. It’s time to pony up.”

He searches my eyes for a moment. “Are you fucking with me right now?”

“Nope,” I say, with an exaggerated pop.

Devyn and Drew rejoin us before he can say another word.

“Dude,” Drew says, “why do you look like you’re trying to solve complicated math in your head?”

Brody finally tears his eyes away from me. “Shut the fuck up, man.”

“Whoa, buddy. What crawled up your ass all of a sudden?”

I smirk. “Yeah, Brody. What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

Drew laughs at that while Devyn watches us carefully, obviously trying to figure out what the hell happened in the two minutes she was gone.

Brody glares at me. “Oh, game on, honey.”

I casually sip the wine Devyn placed in front of me. “Bring it.”

With my statement, something shifts in the air. Brody is practically incinerating me with his gaze, making me realize how much he’s actually been holding back before now. I try concealing how strongly he’s affecting me, but his cocky grin tells me that I’m not doing a very good job.

I take several gulps of wine, trying to act aloof. I set the glass on the table—probably a little too hard—and clear my throat. “I’m going to call it a night, guys. Brody, would you mind walking me home? Some weirdo has been hanging around my building lately and I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

He grins. “I’d love to.”

Devyn is still watching us like a hawk but Drew is completely oblivious as he pulls Brody into a back-slapping hug. I can feel her eyes burning through my back as we make our way out of Kelly’s but she doesn’t say a word.

Brody places his hand on the small of my back as we step onto the sidewalk. “Is there really a weirdo hanging around your building?”

My mind is so focused on the pressure of his fingertips against my spine, it takes me a second to realize he asked a question. I step out of his reach so he can’t distract me.

“Yeah,” I shrug, “but he’s harmless. He just likes preaching the word of the lord. He only takes the megaphone out on Sundays and holidays.”

He laughs. “Ah, gotta love downtown living.”