Okay then. I guess I’ve got myself a date with a doctor.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“So, how was your date?” Devyn asks.

I put my head on the table with an audible thunk and groan. “Ugh, can we change the subject please?”

She shakes my forearm until I sit up. “What do you mean? I thought you really liked him.”

I pick up my wine glass and down half of the contents before answering. “I did really like him. That’s the worst part.”

Her brows furrow in confusion. “You’re not making sense, Lorraine.”

I glance over to the pool tables to make sure the guys are still engrossed in their game. “You know how much I was looking forward to it. It was our third date and I was really hoping the evening would end in orgasms.”


“And...it was heading in that direction until things came to a grinding halt. We were fooling around, but when it got to a certain point, I just couldn’t go through with it.”

“Why not?”

I cringe, replaying that moment in my head. “He has a small penis, Dev. And when I say small, I mean a teeny, tiny wienie.”

She bites her lip, clearly trying not to laugh. “Oh, c’mon, Lorraine. It couldn’t have been that bad.”

I hold up my index finger to demonstrate. “It really was.”

Devyn’s eyes widen as she clears her throat. “Well, size doesn’t matter that much, does it?”

I give her a look that screams, are you kidding me? “He was packing a gherkin, Devyn! Fully erect!”

She loses her battle against laughing.

I glare at her. “I’m glad my horrific story amuses you so much.”

Devyn wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. But you have to admit, you’d think it was funny if it had happened to someone else.”

I smirk, knowing damn well she’s right. “Maybe.” I take another sip of Chardonnay. “What can I say? I like a big D.”

“Talking about me again?” Brody says over my shoulder.

I jump in my seat. Shit, how long has he been standing there?

“Shouldn’t you be shooting pool instead of eavesdropping?”

He smiles and nods to the bar where Drew is talking to the bartender. “We’re finished. Drew’s getting another round. Now back to the topic at hand. What were you saying about big dicks?”

“Nothing you need to be concerned about, Brody. I wouldn’t want to give you a complex.”

He narrows his eyes. “We both know I have nothing to be concerned about in that area, princess.”

I suppress a shiver when his words make me recall our drunken dry humping session. Even if I hadn’t seen him in all his glory on the day we met, that night would’ve confirmed that Brody definitely doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of. Not even close.

“Whatever you say, buddy.”

Now he’s smirking. “I’d be happy to remind you, darlin’. Just say when.”