“But we just got here,” he says, frowning. “How could you possibly know that already?”

Um, because I have a serious problem with dishonesty? “I just do. It was nice meeting you, Bryce. Thanks for the latte.”

I swing my purse over my arm and get the hell out of the coffee shop before he has the chance to stop me. When I’ve rounded the corner, I pull my cell out of my purse and dial.

Devyn picks up on the first ring. “Hey, I thought you had a date right now.”

“I did,” I say. “But another one bites the dust.”

“I’m sorry. I know you had good vibes on this one. What happened?”

“Another liar. Why do I keep getting these assholes? That’s the sixth one since I joined SeattleSingles.com. I swear to you Devyn, I’m about to give up men entirely. Can I interest you in switching teams?”

She laughs. “Oh, Rainey, we both know you love the D way too much for that to happen.”

“True,” I grudgingly admit. “I just don’t understand why it’s so hard. I haven’t had sex in eighteen months. A year-and-a-half, Devyn. I’ve never gone more than a few months since losing my virginity. I’m pretty sure Gina is riddled with cobwebs at this point.”

“I’m pretty sure that Scott would beg to differ,” she retorts.

You’re probably confused, aren’t you? I just said I haven’t had sex in eighteen months. Let me clarify. Scott is my favorite vibrator. Why’d I pick that name, you ask? Scott-Panty-Wetter-Extraordinaire-Eastwood. Enough said?

“And would you please stop referring to your lady bits by that stupid name?” Devyn continues. “There’s a woman at my office named Gina and I cringe anytime someone says it. Besides, a year-and-a-half is nothing. Before I met Jackson, I had you beat by a long shot and my girly parts worked just fine.”

I ignore her comment about Gina because we both know I’m not gonna stop.

“Yeah, but you were a single mom trying to get your footing in life. And you were pregnant before that. That’s much better than being a magnet for losers. I’m thirty-three, Devyn. Let’s face it; I’m no Spring chicken. If I have any hope of finding the future father of my child, I need to actually find someone worthy of a second date.”

She laughs. “Okay, first of all, thirty-three is not old. You help deliver babies for a living, Lorraine. You know more than anyone how many women give birth later in life these days.”

“I know,” I mutter.

“Besides,” she continues. “I happen to know an extremely attractive man who’d love to go out with you. Poor Brody is just waiting for you to throw him a bone.”

“Ugh, poor Brody is waiting for the chance to bone me. There’s a difference. If I was just looking for a hookup, I’d have a Tinder account. I want a relationship, Devyn. We both know Brody is pretty much allergic to monogamy.”

She laughs. “Okay, so Brody’s off the table. Although, as a side note, I don

’t think you’re giving him enough credit. What about the new obstetrician that’s been asking you out?”

I shake my head furiously, even though she can’t see me. “No way.”

“You said you’re attracted to him, right?”

“I’m pretty sure every woman at Memorial has the hots for Dr. Thomas.”

“So why not give it a shot, Lorraine? You can’t write off all doctors just because you had a bad experience with one.”

“Understatement of the year,” I mutter.

Her voice softens. “I know, honey. I really do get it—Adam scarred you, and it will take time for those wounds to heal. But you work in a hospital. You’re surrounded by doctors. And this Dr. Thomas guy is not Adam.”

I sigh. “I don’t know, Dev.”

“C’mon, Rainey. You already have things in common, working in the same field. You’re both single and attracted to each other. Why not agree to one date and see where it goes from there?”

I bite my thumb, something I always do when I’m nervous. “You really think I should?”

“I really think you should,” Devyn says with the utmost confidence.