“Fuck me,” I mutter. I grab her hips with bruising force to stop her from grinding into me again.

“That’s the idea, Brody.”

“Rainey, stop.” I’m dying to look down—because hello, her nipples are mere inches from my face—but I refuse to break eye contact, so she knows how serious I am. I should get some sort of award for my willpower right now.

She places her hands on each side of my jaw. “Brody, shut up.” In the next moment, her full lips are against mine, and her tongue is trying to force its way into my mouth.

Jesus Christ. She’s sitting on top of me—tits out—and I can feel the warmth from her pussy through my jeans. I swear to God her nipples are begging for my mouth. A man can only take so much. It’s not my proudest moment, but I kiss her back with every ounce of sexual frustration that’s been building between us over the years. She tastes so sweet that I could get drunk off of this alone.

She pulls my hair and rolls her hips as I take control of the kiss. My hands make their way up her ribcage until my thumbs are resting right below her perfect tits, testing their weight. There’s a buzzing in the back of my head that’s telling me not to go any further, but Rainey’s not having any part of that. She covers each one of my hands with her own and brings them to her chest. Instinct takes control as I begin kneading until her nipples are so hard they’re practically slicing through my palms. We moan into each other’s mouths. Our hands roam while the lower halves of our bodies grind against each other. Motherfuck, I forgot how awesome dry humping can be. I haven’t done this since high school, and clearly, I’ve been missing out. Or maybe it just has something to do with the woman on my lap.

Rainey pulls away from my mouth and rests her forehead against mine. “God, Brody,” she pants.

“I know. Same fucking page, baby.” Thor is adamantly against it, but I manage to find the wherewithal to add, “But we can’t do this.”

Her entire body tenses as she glares at me. “Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve been trying to get in my pants for years!”

“I’m perfectly aware of that, princess. I’m also aware of the fact that you’re drunk and you’re hurting. I can be an asshole, but I’m not that much of an asshole.”

“You’d be a lot more convincing if your hands weren’t still on my ass.”

I pull my hands away. Rainey moves to the other end of the couch and angrily pulls her dress over her shoulders. I think Thor may actually be crying right now at the loss of such a beautiful sight.

“Whatever, Brody. I don’t want your pity fuck anyway.”

I risk moving closer when I see the pain in her eyes. I place my thumb under her chin, tilting it up. “Trust me, honey. Stopping that was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. As much as I want you—and fuck, do I want you—I’m not going to let you do anything tonight that you’ll regret. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re important to me. And if I ever get an opportunity like this again, it won’t be because you’re looking for a quick revenge fuck. Because I know that once I have you, once won’t even be close to enough. I’ve waited this long already; I’m perfectly fine with waiting some more until you’re in a better place.”

She sniffles. “Why did you have to say something so goddamn sweet? You’re supposed to be a crude, perpetually horny jackass!”

I smile softly. “Honey, I may be all those things—especially the horny part when you’re around—but I meant it when I said that you’re important to me. I may act like an idiot more often than not, and relentlessly give you shit, but I can be serious when it matters.”

Rainey considers that for a moment before sliding her body down until her head is resting on a throw pillow. “I’m sleepy.”

I flip the TV and light switch off so all that’s left is the moonlight filtering through the windows. She snuggles into the couch further as I lay a blanket over her. Soft snores hit my ears before I can even fully spread it out. I swipe her hair away from her face, careful not to wake her, and press my lips to her forehead.

“Goodnight, princess.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


I groan as sunlight assaults my eyeballs before glaring at whomever is pounding on my front door.

“Why is there a jackhammer going off in my brain?”

Knock. Knock.

“Hold your tits! I’m coming!”

“Lorraine, it’s me. Please open the door.”

Okay, I may feel a little bad for wishing horrible things would happen to the person behind the door when I hear Devyn’s voice. I roll off the couch to let her in. On my way, I see the small wastebasket from my bathroom sitting next to the couch along with two ibuprofens and a glass of water on the coffee table. I smile when I think of how considerate Brody was, but wince when the action makes my skull want to shatter.

“Fuck,” I grumble. “I’m never drinking again.”

I swallow the pills and say a little prayer that they make this pounding go away. I open the door and stumble back to my couch to lay down. Remaining upright takes too much work right now.

Devyn approaches the couch slowly and takes a seat in front of me on the coffee table. “Honey, I’m so sorry.”