“So, they just let you make yourself at home here, huh?”

“They do,” I reply. “Charlotte is an extension of the Pistorio family; therefore, I’m awarded that honor through her. I hope the owner, Mama P, is here tonight. You’d love her.”

“Charlotte’s your sister, I presume? Younger or older?”

“Charlee’s only three years older, although she’d like to tell you there’s a much wider gap if you’re measuring my maturity.”

Rainey chuckles. “I think I’m going to like your sister.”

“I think you w—”

I lose my train of thought when I see a familiar face sitting at a romantic table for two. Someone who shouldn’t be here according to the woman on my left. Someone who’s clearly on a date.


“Um, Rainey...”

A crease forms between her eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

I don’t even have to answer because half a second later, she follows my gaze. A loud gasp leaves her lips as she takes in the scene. Dr. Douchebag, Rainey’s fiancé, is sitting across from a much younger, surgically enhanced blonde, gazing lovingly into her eyes as he places a kiss on her knuckles.

“Adam?!” Rainey manages to choke out.

Adam looks away from his date at the sound of her voice and visibly tenses when he sees Rainey. My fists clench when obvious guilt mixed with an oh fuck flashes across his face.

“R-Rainey,” he stutters, dropping the woman’s hand like a hot coal. “What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” she shrieks. “What are you doing here? I thought you were working.”

Adam blanches. “Uh...no. I’m not.”

The blonde speaks up. “Honey, are you going to introduce me?”

“Honey?” Rainey repeats. “Adam, what’s going on?”

I gently tug on her arm. “Rainey, maybe you two should take this outside?”

“Excuse me, what is going on here?” The blonde stands, revealing an obvious baby bump. My hand is still on Rainey’s forearm, so I can feel the tension in her body ramping up even more when she notices it. “Would you care to tell me why you’re interrupting my anniversary dinner with my husband?”

Now Rainey’s speechless as she homes in on the woman’s pregnant belly. Tears gather in her eyes, triggering every instinct in my body to want to shield her from this somehow.

“Husband?” Rainey chokes out, in barely more than a whisper.

The blonde glares. “Yes, my husband.”

Dr. Dickhead finally joins the conversation. He stands up and gently pulls on the woman’s arm. “Norah, sit down. Rainey and I know each other from the hospital.”

“The hospital,” Rainey scoffs, as she wipes away tears. “I can’t...I can’t deal with this right now.”

Rainey quickly spins around, practically knocking me over as she runs for the exit.

“Rainey, wait—” Adam calls.

Rainey is almost out the door, so I need to hurry, but not before giving this douche a piece of my mind.

“You never fucking deserved her.”

The guy actually has the nerve to give me a condescending smirk. I don’t even consider my actions before my fist cocks back and slams directly into his face. His wife screams, and the entire restaurant is now buzzing with the scene we’ve caused.