“He’s Drew’s friend, not mine,” I clarify.

“Ouch, that hurt, princess,” Brody complains.

“Martin,” Junior says by way of introduction.

Brody shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you, man. I’m Brody. Rainey just told me you play for Indy. That’s pretty fucking awesome. Linebackers are totally underappreciated, if you ask me.”

Junior grins. “I like you, Brody. You want to help me haul some more beer outside?”

I roll my eyes at Brody’s obvious ass kissing. “Get me another while you’re at it.”

“Sure thing, darlin’,” Brody winks. “Don’t worry; I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later, Devyn returns, beers in hand.

“Thanks,” I say as she hands me a bottle.

“Brody was about to bring this over, but I figured you wouldn’t mind the interception.”

“Good call,” I laugh. “Good luck keeping him away though.”

“I think we have a little while,” she proclaims. “I told him I needed to ask you nurse questions about irregular periods.”

That deserves a fist bump, so I give her one. “This is why you’re my best bitch.”

She really is, too. We’ve known each other less than two years, but it feels like a lifetime. As strange as it sounds, she’s my first real female friend; the other women in my life are more like acquaintances or co-workers. Growing up surrounded by so much testosterone, I didn’t get to do many girly things, which was fine by me. Hell, I dressed in my brother’s hand-me-downs for most of my childhood, much to my mother’s dismay. As a woman, I definitely prefer a more feminine look, but the tomboy in me still likes to come out pretty frequently. Devyn’s the first woman I’ve met that has a similar personality. Once we figured that out, we pretty much insinuated ourselves into every aspect of each other’s lives, and never looked back.

She chuckles. “Seriously though, Brody’s not being too much of a nuisance, is he?”

“Nothing I can’t handle. Besides, bickering with him distracts me from missing Adam.”

“Where’s his conference this weekend anyway?”

“New York.”

“He’s had a lot of those lately, hasn’t he?” she asks.

I narrow my eyes at her. “Where are you going with this, Dee?”

“I’m not going anywhere with it,” she insists. “I was just wondering if it was normal for doctors to attend so many meetings outside of the hospital.”

“They’re grooming him to be the Chief of ER,” I explain. “He’s learning more about the management side of things.”

“Well, hopefully, things will slow down once you guys decide to start making babies.” She bumps her shoulder to mine. “When’s that going to happen anyway? You said thirty was the magic number for motherhood.”

I take a lengthy sip to delay opening this can of worms.


I should’ve known she wouldn’t accept my silence.

I sigh. “Adam’s not exactly sold on having another kid.”

“What? Since when?”

“Since always,” I admit. “His son, Parker, is twenty—long past the dependent child phase. Adam doesn’t want to start over in his fifties.”

“Why is this the first time I’ve heard that?”