He shakes his head. “I don’t think so...they’ve been here for a long time; I’m guessing land was a lot cheaper back then. She definitely doesn’t give off the silver spoon vibe.”

“Not at all,” I agree. “Not that it matters either way.”

“Right,” Drew nods.

As if she senses us talking about her, Rainey opens the front door before I have the chance to turn the knob. “You guys need help?”

“Nah,” Drew answers. “One more load should do it.”

I make a show of bending over to tie my shoe. I’d bet money that Rainey is checking out my ass right now. She doesn’t think I notice, but she does it all the time. Her head may fight it, but there’s no question whether or not her body wants me.

“You want me to go slower next time, so you can take a picture?” I wink.

The color flooding her freckled cheeks confirms it.

Her eyes narrow into slits. “Keep dreaming, Brody.”

“I’m okay with that since you’re usually naked in my dreams.”

I laugh when she flips me the bird and stomps away.

Damn, this weekend is going to be fun.

Chapter Twelve


After everyone decides which room they’re going to take, we head out back. Nathan and my twin nieces just went down for a nap so we’re trying to keep the volume down. If you’ve never been around a tired toddler, trust me when I say that everyone will be a lot happier if they get the rest that their little bodies need.

Devyn and I walk out onto the deck together and there’s no mistaking the interest in my younger brothers’ eyes. Thankfully, she stays true to character, completely unaware of the attention she garners.

I point a threatening finger at them. “Don’t even think about it.”

Emmett being the wiseass he is, boldly runs his eyes down the length of Devyn’s lithe frame. “Sorry, Rain, there’s no way in hell I’m agreeing to that.”

The twins, Calvin and Joey, are much smarter and busy themselves with the grill. Don’t let my small frame deceive you; growing up with five brothers will make any girl scrappy. I’ve knocked every one of them on their asses at one point or another.

“I could use a beer,” I say to Devyn. “You want one?”

“Sure,” she says.

We each grab a bottle from the cooler and make our way over to the built-in benches. Devyn sets the baby monitor on the ledge and pops the tops using the opener on her flip flops.

“I told you these shoes would come in handy,” she smiles.

I clink my bottle to hers. “Totally worth the extra ten bucks.”

She leans back and looks toward the ocean. “God, the view is incredible.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Brody says, sliding onto the bench beside me. Taking the bottle right out of my hand he adds, “Although I think we’re looking at two different things.”

“Excuse me,” I complain as he takes a big swig. “Get your own beer, buddy.”

He takes another drink, eyeing me the entire time. “Yours tastes better.”

“Here we go again,” Devyn mutters. “Lorraine, I’m going inside to see if your sister-in-law needs help with the salads.”

“Traitor!” I shout as she walks away.