“When do we leave?”

Chapter Eleven


If you would’ve told me a year ago that I’d be driving to the beach, my Suburban loaded with baby gear, I would’ve said that you were certified batshit. The kid’s not mine, but his stuff is

taking up half the cargo area nonetheless. Drew appointed me chauffeur this weekend because I was the only one with a vehicle that could accommodate everything. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I’d pretty much give my left nut to spend more time with my favorite ginger, even if it’s just driving in the same car. Speaking of the birthday girl, I glance in the rearview and catch her staring at me. Again. She averts her eyes immediately and starts fussing over Drew’s nephew. We’ve been on the road for almost two hours and we’ve done this dance at least a dozen times. I smirk as my eyes roam down to her bouncing tits and I discreetly adjust the semi they’re causing.

“Damn it, Brody!” Rainey shouts as we hit a pothole. “I swear to God you’re doing that on purpose! How many friggin’ potholes can you hit today?”

Okay, I may be aiming for every rut that I can find. Lucky for me, the highway to the beach isn’t maintained very well. Also lucky for me? Rainey’s bra is not all that supportive.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you exist to drive me crazy?” she suggests.

I laugh as I see her glaring at me in the mirror. “Aw sweetheart, if you’d stop denying how much you want me, I wouldn’t have to resort to playground behavior.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re an ass.”

“What’s that? You like ass play? I’m game if you are, baby.”

Her cheeks redden. “That’s not what I said, you dick! Why are you such—?”

“Okay, you two,” Devyn interrupts. “Save the bickering for when there isn’t a child in the vicinity.”

Drew laughs. “He’s one-and-a-half. It’s not like he knows what anal is.”

“ANAL IS!” Nathan repeats excitedly.

“DREW!” Devyn yells.

Everyone but Devyn laughs at that one.

“Will you just pay attention to the road?” Rainey whines. “You’re going to miss the turnoff.”

“Nah, I’ll be fine. They have these fancy new things called navigation that tell you where to go.” As if on cue, the system prompts me to turn right at the next intersection. I drive about a quarter mile before pulling into the long driveway of her parents’ house. Based on the number of cars, I’m guessing we’re the last to arrive. “See, princess, we’re here.”

She jumps out of the car as soon as the gear is in park and mutters, “This is going to be a long weekend.”

The ladies head inside with Nathan, leaving Drew and I to unload.

“Dude, you can’t ride her ass all weekend,” he says. “Devyn made me promise to keep you in line and you’re not making it easy.”

I pull the playpen out of the back and set it on the ground. “Dude, relax. She loves it when I give her shit. This is what we do. Also, don’t say things like ride her ass in relation to Rainey unless you want me pitching a tent the whole weekend.”

He throws a duffle bag at me. “You are an ass.”

I blow him a kiss. “That’s why you love me, big guy. Two peas in a pod, you and me.”

Drew laughs. “Just shut up and help me get this shit inside.”

I take in the house as we walk up the driveway. This place is massive—it looks more like a lodge than a family home. Cedar and stone siding, a large arched entry, floor-to-ceiling windows and a sizeable covered deck. On top of all that, the ocean view from here is unreal. I can only imagine how great it is from the back.

“Her dad owns a construction company,” Drew explains when he sees my awe. “Rainey said he built it when she was little to make room for all the kids. It’s fucking impressive, huh?”

“I don’t know if impressive is adequate.” I’m pretty sure my jaw is about to hit the ground. “So, her family is loaded, huh?”