I turn around to face him. “I need to head out, guys. Dinner with the folks tonight.”

He briefly gives me a concerned look and nods. “Okay, man. I’ll see you later.”

As I’m walking backwards over the threshold, Rainey’s eyes lock with mine. I try schooling my features, but her expression tells me that I’m not doing a very good job. When it’s clear that she’s going to remain where she’s at, I flip around and make my escape as fast as possible.

Chapter Ten

3 Years Ago


“C’mon, Lorraine,” Devyn whines. “You only turn thirty once. I’m your best friend; you have to let me plan something.”

“It’s really not a big deal,” I insist. “Adam’s going away for a medical conference that weekend, so I was planning to lay low.”

“All the more reason to have a party! You can’t be alone on your birthday. Especially on a milestone birthday. I promise to keep it under control—just family and a few friends. Your mom said we’re welcome to use her house since there’s so much room.”

“Devyn, my parents live two hours away. I highly doubt anyone would want to drive there and back on the same day.”

“I agree, which is why we’re staying for the weekend.”

“What?” I ask incredulously. “No. I’m not asking anyone to give up their entire weekend for me.”

“Too late...it’s already done,” she admits sheepishly.

I pull the phone away from my ear for a moment, staring at it in shock.

“Devyn, what is it, exactly, that you did?”

“Well, I didn’t do all of it,” she explains. “Your mom invited your brothers.”

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“No, Rainey. I’m not kidding. C’mon, it’ll be fun. You already requested the time off, so you have no excuse. You can’t say you wouldn’t love a weekend at the beach.”

My parents live in Ocean Shores, Washington—the same house that I grew up in. Being the stereotypical Catholic family that we were, with six kids, they needed something with lots of bedrooms and ample space. Since my dad is in construction, that’s exactly what they got because he built it. I love that house and Devyn knows it. It’s designed for entertainment: private beach access, a huge deck with tons of seating, and a beautiful outdoor kitchen. As kids, my brothers and I couldn’t wait to get out of the sleepy town, but as adults, we’ve learned to appreciate the tranquility it offers.

“Devyn...I don’t know. It seems like too much trouble.”

“It’s really not, Rainey. I promise.”

I sigh, knowing she’s not going to relent. “How many people are we talking?”

“Your parents will still be in Maui for their anniversary trip so that leaves your brothers, whomever they bring with them, you, me, Nate, Drew, and...um, Brody.”

“I’m sorry...what? Why is Brody coming?”

Yep, that’s right. Brody Harris, AKA the gigantic thorn in my side, moved back to Seattle. I swear every time I turn around, he’s there. You’d think that would’ve been difficult when he was on the other end of the country but somehow, he managed. He came home from grad school during every break over the past year and when he wasn’t physically here, it seemed like he and Drew were always Facetiming each other. He’d be easier to avoid if Devyn wasn’t so tight with her brother, but half the time we go out, Drew is there. And where Drew goes, Brody goes. That damn man even tagged along when we took little Nathan to the zoo.

Now it’s her turn to sigh. “Rainey, I know he pushes your buttons but he’s a good guy. He doesn’t mean any harm and you know it. He overheard Drew and me talking about it and I couldn’t not invite him. If you really don’t want him there, I’ll figure out how to let him down gently.”

“No, it’s fine,” I grumble. “But you’re responsible for him.”


“I guess I only have one more question.”

“What’s that?” she asks.