“Wow, somebody sure is full of himself,” I scoff. “Can your ego get any bigger?”

“If you think my ego is big, you should see my dick.” He rubs his chin in mock contemplation. “Oh wait...you already have!”

“And on that note, I’m leaving.” I scoot to the side and make my way toward the door.

He grabs my wrist. “Wait. I really think you should give this some thought.”

Pointedly, I eye my wrist, waiting to speak until he releases it. “What planet are you from? How much more obvious can I be? Even if I was single, I’m not interested, Brody!”

In an instant, his expression turns from playful to impassioned. Before I can register what’s happening, he grabs my arm and yanks me into him until my breasts are mashed up against his chest. God, he smells good.

“You’re interested,” he whispers into my ear, making me shiver. “Your nipples are telling me that you’re very interested. Now, I don’t normally make a habit of going after someone else’s girl, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t try, and trust me when I say I can be awfully tenacious.”

I surreptitiously glance down and see that my headlights are on high-beam. Traitorous bitches! This guy’s proximity is making me lose my scruples. Why does he have to be so attractive? For the record, I do not normally react to a man this way. Not since Adam and I started seeing each other anyway. I don’t know why I’m reacting this way. I can’t stand that my body is betraying me like this.

“You’re a jackass,” I say, stepping away from him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I think our bathroom rendezvous is officially over.”

I hear the smug bastard laughing as I step into the hallway and close the door.

Chapter Seven

4 Years Ago


“Honey, I’m home!”

Charlee rolls her eyes as she holds the door open for me. ?

?You’re an idiot.”

I roll my suitcase over the threshold and kiss her on the cheek. “Love you too, sis.”

I somehow managed to convince my older sister to let me crash at her place when I decided to come back for the summer. She has an apartment in the heart of downtown Seattle which puts me right in the middle of the action.

“You know where the guest room is. Go put your stuff away and come out for dinner.”

“Yes, Mother,” I deadpan.

She puts her hands on her hips. “Remind me why you’re not staying with them again? And why are you back so soon? I thought you needed to find a new roommate.”

“Already found one. He moved in earlier this week.”

She raises her eyebrows in surprise. “That was fast.”

“I guess,” I shrug. “My buddy, Riley, needed a roommate too, so it made sense.”

Charlee follows me down the narrow hall as I drop my bags into the guest bedroom. “The same Riley I met?”

I scowl. “Yep.”

“I see. I think I may have to plan a visit sometime soon, little bro.” Her grin is way too big for my liking.

My sister is a huge Bruins fan and came out to watch a live game last January. While she was in town, I brought her to some of my favorite establishments, which is where she met Rye. After a few too many beers, big sis here decided to put the moves on him. He swears he didn’t sleep with her, but I know something happened between them after I left with some chick. I’m choosing to stick my head in the sand on that one.

“Don’t even think about it, Charlotte,” I warn her. “You do not want to push me on this.”

“Ooh, I’m shaking in my boots, Brody.” She holds her hand out to show how much she’s not shaking.