I tip my beer towards him. “Sounds good to me, man.”


IT’S FRIDAY AND I’M meeting Riley’s parents tonight. I’m so nervous despite Rye’s repeated assurances that I have no need to be. What will they think of me? Will they be mad at me for keeping Nathan from them all these years? Will they think I’m good enough for their son? And what about Nate? Will he behave? I can’t imagine what they’d think if his potty mouth comes out.

As I’m running around my bedroom frantically getting ready, Nathan comes in. He’s dressed in a red plaid button up with a pair of little khakis. He looks like a proper young gentleman. Let’s hope he acts like one while meeting his grandparents.

“Mom,” he extends the word in a whine.

I kneel down and smooth out his hair. “What, baby?”

“My wiener feels funny.”

“What?” I inspect his pants and they look like they fit fine to me. “What do you mean, buddy?”

He pulls on his pant leg. “My new big boy underpants feel funny.”

Ah. Drew insisted on getting him tiny boy boxer shorts. He’s been wearing briefs since he was potty trained but Drew insisted that real men wear boxers. I usually defer dude stuff to him so I just went with it.

“Oh, honey, you’re just not used to them. Why don’t you go take them off and put your other ones on? Hurry up, though, so we’re not late.”

“All right, Momma.”


I’M AT THE RESTAURANT with my parents waiting for Devyn and Nathan to arrive. I wanted to pick her up but she insisted on meeting us here so she had a few minutes to freshen up after work before meeting my folks. The poor girl is so nervous. I’ve assured her that I explained the situation to them and they don’t think badly about her at all, but she’s still uncertain. I know they’ll fall in love with her and Nathan instantly. They were so excited when I told them they had a grandchild. I don’t think my mom ever thought I’d settle down. As her only child, I was her only hope of having grandbabies to spoil. She would no doubt adore the woman that made that happen.

“What’s wrong, honey?” my mom asks.

I check my watch. “They should be here by now.”

She chuckles. “Oh, Riley, it’s not easy carting around a four-year-old boy. You were a handful at that age. I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. They’re only a few minutes late; give them time.”

My dad claps me on the back. “Did I ever tell you about that time you got drunk? You were probably around the same age. Your mother and I were having a get together. You made your rounds and drank a little bit from each beer can that was lying around. We didn’t even realize what had happened until you whipped out your itty bitty wee wee and starting peeing on the side of the house, shouting for everyone to look at the pictures you were drawing.” He laughs. “Ah, those were some good times, huh, Mary?”

I groan. “Christ, Dad. It’s a miracle I survived with you two raising me.”

My mom rolls her eyes. “Oh, you shush. That was a onetime occurrence. We took great care of you. Boys just have a way of making things interesting. You just wait and see, mister.”

I smirk when I think of Nathan and how he definitely keeps things interesting. “For the record, my wee wee has grown quite a bit since then.”

My mom pats me on the cheek. “I’m sure it has, dear. If you take after your father, Devyn is quite the lucky lady.”

I cringe. “ Mom! Gross! I didn’t need to know that!”

She and my dad laugh while I check my watch again. As if I summoned them with my thoughts, Devyn and Nathan walk into the room. My God, she looks amazing. She’s wearing a modest black dress but it hugs all of her new curves perfectly. My dick jerks a little when I wonder what she’s wearing under the dress. Calm down, boy.

I stand up as they approach the table and scoop Nathan into my arms. “Hey, buddy, how are you doing?”

“Daddy, I’m free-balling!”

“Nathan!” Devyn whisper-shouts.

I laugh. “What’d you say, little man?”

“Unca’ Drew bought me some big boy underpants but they made my wiener feel funny so Momma said to go put on my regular underpants but I couldn’t find ‘em so now I’m not wearing any underpants! Unca’ Drew says that when you run out of underpants on laundry day, you just have to go free-balling!”

My dad coughs to cover his laughter. He stands up and offers his hand to Devyn. “You must be Devyn. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Riley has told us so much about you. I’m Bill and this beautiful lady is my wife, Mary.”