I rub my neck, totally embarrassed by Megan’s over the top territorial behavior. I guess it’s time to end things with her. “Uh…I guess.”

Devyn laughs and says, “Well, Megan certainly seems to think so.”

“Yeah, Megan is ac

tually starting to get on my nerves so I think I’m going to cut her loose.”

“Does she know that?”

I shrug. “She knew this wasn’t going anywhere when she signed up. We’re just having fun; she’ll be fine.”

“Fun?” Devyn asks. “Is that what you call it?”

“Yeah, fun. That’s all it ever is. These girls aren’t interested in getting to know me. They want one thing from me and I’m okay with that.”

“Don’t you get tired of it, Rye? Don’t you want a real connection with someone?”

I smile. “That’s what I have you for.”

Devyn bites her lip, looking frustrated, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” As she picks up her folded clothes and heads for the bathroom she adds, “I have to get going too. I’m supposed to meet Brian at ten o’clock.”

I keep talking to her through the door. “What are you guys up to this morning?”

“We’re just going to grab some coffee and head to the library.”

“Are you sure he’s okay with you staying here all the time?” I ask. “If I were him, I don’t think I would be.”

She comes out of the bathroom wearing her clothes from last night. “I swear. We’ve talked about it quite a few times. He says he’s secure enough in our relationship and if I say we’re just friends, he trusts me implicitly.”

“And why is it that we’re just friends again?” I try keeping my tone light to suggest that I’m joking, but I’m really not. We haven’t visited the subject since we first met, but last night I almost kissed her while we were playing around on the couch. I don’t know what came over me, but I know she sensed it, and I have a sneaking suspicion she might have actually kissed me back.

She pokes me in the chest with her index finger. “Because you, my friend, are a total slut.”

I laugh. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Why do I keep forgetting that?”

Devyn shakes her head. “I have no idea. Lucky you have me around to keep reminding you, right?”

“Right,” I agree halfheartedly.


EVERY YEAR, I COME back home the week before fall semester begins to visit my parents’ graves. This year, Riley insisted on making the trip with me. We step through the wrought iron gates of Rogue Valley Cemetery and make our way over to an old oak tree. A light breeze floats through the air carrying the scents of nearby rose bushes and an impending storm.

I kneel down and lovingly trace the dates on the simple, flat stones marking their graves. My mom was only thirty-eight when she died and my dad was forty-six. They both had so much life to live but God had other plans for them, I guess. “Hi, Mom and Dad."

Riley lowers himself to the ground and takes my hand, silently urging me to continue.

I nod towards Rye. “This is Riley. My friend from school that I was telling you about.” I look into his eyes and smile. “My best friend. We’re about to start our third year of college. I can’t believe we’re already halfway done. Before you know it, I’ll be taking the marketing world by storm with my brilliant ad campaigns and Riley will be a jet designer extraordinaire.”

Riley smiles and squeezes my hand. “You know it.”

I look back towards their graves and sniff back a tear. “I miss you both so much every day. I miss this town. I know you wanted me to follow in your footsteps and attend SOU but I just couldn’t be here every day, being reminded of everything that I’ve lost. I hope you’re proud of me, even if I am a Duck now.” I look back at Riley. “I have to believe that’s what I was meant to be. I wouldn’t have Riley if I wasn’t at U of O. I don’t know if I could’ve made it through the past two years without him.”

Riley pulls me into a side hug and kisses the top of my head. “Do you mind if I say something?”

I wrap my arm around his torso and hug him tighter. “Not at all.”

He clears his throat. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Summers. I know we haven’t officially met, but Devyn’s told me a lot about you. You raised the most incredible person I know and I wanted to thank you for bringing her into this world. I don’t know what I’d do without her and I promise I’ll take care of her. Hell, I’m even letting her drag me to a play tonight. That should tell you how invested I am in our girl here. I don’t willingly watch men in tights spit all over each other for just anyone.”