Devyn removes her hand from her face to shake my dad’s hand. “I am so sorry about that. I’m going to kill my brother.”

My mom stands and pulls Devyn into a big bear hug. “Oh, never mind that, honey. You just wait. I have tons of really great stories about Riley for you.”

Devyn pulls back and laughs. “I can’t wait to hear those.”

My parents take their seats. I place Nathan in his chair and pull out Devyn’s.

She sits down. “Thank you.”

I bend down to kiss her on the cheek. “It’s my pleasure. You look incredible.”

She shivers. “You’re not so bad yourself.”


DINNER WAS GREAT. RILEY’S parents are wonderful. I really had nothing to worry about; they were so gracious and lighthearted. I can see why he is the way that he is. Nate fell asleep in the car so Riley carried him upstairs and tucked him into bed before joining me in the living room.

He sits next to me on the couch and kisses my cheek. “You were perfect tonight. My folks loved you.”

“I loved them too. I’m so glad they were able to forgive me.”

Riley brushes a hair away from my forehead. “There’s nothing to forgive, Dev. Stop being so hard on yourself.”

I smile. “So…Drew’s on shift and won’t be home tonight.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?”

I start wringing my hands together. “Yeah. So…I was thinking maybe you’d want to stay the night? I usually don’t have sleepovers because I don’t want Nate to get the wrong impression. But we’re moving in together next week so it’s no big deal. Right?

Riley cups my cheek in his hand. “I’d love to stay the night. But you know I don’t expect anything to happen, right? I mean, it hasn’t been that long since you and Jackson broke up. I don’t want you to feel…rushed or anything.”

I smile as I pull him off the couch and down the hall into my bedroom. I flip on the lamp and say, “I appreciate your chivalry, Rye. I really do. But the truth is…Jackson and I hadn’t been together for quite a while before we broke up. And I’ve been waiting for almost five years to take advantage of you. I’d say it’s impossible to rush something that’s long overdue. Don’t you agree?”

He shuts my bedroom door and turns the lock. “Take advantage of me, huh?”

I laugh. “Oh, yes, absolutely. And I’m going to objectify the hell out of you.”

He grabs my face and kisses me hard. When he pulls away he says, “Just remember, turnabout’s fair play, Dev.”

“I’m counting on it.”

Riley and I resume kissing while he walks me backwards towards the bed. He starts untying my wrap dress and suddenly, I feel really self conscious. My body isn’t what it used to be the last time we were together. I try my best to keep in shape but having a child definitely had a permanent effect in some areas. My stomach is flat but not nearly as toned, my hips are wider, and I have a few stretch marks across my lower abdomen and thighs. Why did I turn on the lamp? I wonder if I can figure out a way to shut it off without being too obvious.


I CAN’T BELIVE THIS is finally happening. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t hope tonight would turn out this way, but I certainly didn’t expect it. My dick does a happy dance in my pants as I unwrap her dress and push it off her shoulders.

I take her in from head to toe. She’s wearing a black lace bra with a matching thong. I saw parts of her in the closet the other day but the lighting was so poor I didn’t get to truly appreciate it. Her new curves are spilling over the cups of her bra. Hips flare out from a trim waist, giving me a little more to grab onto. She had a fantastic fucking body before, but now…this is fucking perfection. I know I’m biased but I’m sure every hetero guy in the world would agree with me. Right before I kicked their asses for seeing her like this.

She wraps her arms around her waist. “Why are you staring?”

“I didn’t think it was possible for you to get more beautiful. It seems I was wrong.”

She gasps as I press her into the mattress and begin kissing her neck. “You don’t need to sweet talk me, Rye.”

I pull back with a frown. “What are you talking about? You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer—not some cheesy line.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Riley. I know I don’t look the same as I did when we were first together. I mean, I try to eat right and exercise regularly but there’s only so much that could be done after carrying Nathan.”