I grab the bottle from him and take a giant swig. Wiping my hand across my face I say, “Thanks, Josh.”


THE SMELL OF COFFEE wakes me up. I walk into the living room and see a makeshift bed on the couch. I glance over to the attached kitchen and find Devyn standing in front of the coffee maker tapping her fingers on the counter. I can’t help but check out the mile long legs peeking out of the oversized t-shirt that she’s wearing. I frown as I come closer when I notice that it’s Josh’s favorite shirt. We make eye contact as I reach over her head to grab two mugs out of the cabinet.

I set them in front of the pot. “Here ya go.”

She pours some coffee into both mugs. “Thanks.”

We stand there in companionable silence for a minute while Devyn loads her cup with milk and sugar. She closes her eyes and moans upon taking her first sip. My dick jumps towards the sound.

I shift a little to conceal my burgeoning hard-on. “Hey, I’m sorry about the thing with Megan last night. She gets a little crazy when she feels threatened.”

She shrugs. “It’s fine.”

Before I can argue, Josh steps out of his bedroom and joins us in the kitchen. He ruffles Devyn’s hair and takes a sip from her mug. “How’s my favorite girl this morning?”

She takes her mug back from him and continues drinking like it’s no big deal they’re swapping spit right now. What the fuck? When did they get so cozy?

“Tired,” she says. “Your couch sucks. I slept like crap.”

He winks at her. “Hey, you were the one who refused my big, comfy bed. Don’t say I didn’t offer.”

“Ah, but here’s the problem with that: You were in said big, comfy bed and I didn’t feel like fighting off your drunken advances all night.”

Josh laughs. “Hey, you were just as smashed as I was so for all I know, I would’ve been fighting off your drunken advances all night.”

Devyn rolls her eyes. “Yeah, in your dreams, pig.”

Josh laughs harder this time, ruffles her hair again, and walks back into his room without another word. Seriously, what the hell is going on with these two? Josh has always been flirty with her but this feels different. Did something happen between them last night?

“What was that about?” I growl.

She raises her eyebrows. “What was what about?”

I fling my hand towards Josh’s room. “You and Josh. Since when are you two so touchy feely sharing coffee? Do you think your boyfriend would appreciate that?”

She rolls her eyes. “Oh geez, Riley. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. You and I normally share the same bed when I stay over and Brian’s never had a problem with it. He knows we’re just friends and he trusts me.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Well, I don’t like it. Josh is different.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “And why’s that?”

We’re interrupted again when Megan steps out of my bedroom. She looks thoroughly fucked but she clearly touched up her hair and makeup before coming out here. I look back towards Devyn and can’t help but appreciate how good she always looks first thing in the morning with no makeup, bed head, and a wrinkled tee.

Megan glares at Devyn. “What are you still doing here?”

Devyn takes another sip. “I stayed the night. I had too much to drink last night to walk back to the dorms and Josh was in no condition to drive me.”

Megan puts her hand on her hip and looks at me. “Does this happen often?”

I shrug. “Sometimes.” I intentionally leave out the part about Devyn usually sleeping in my room.

Devyn smirks when she sees the fire in Megan’s eyes. I can’t help but mirror her expression.

Megan saunters over to me, pulls my head down and kisses me. Hard. With a shit load of tongue. “I have to get going to Psych class. Thanks for the incredible night, baby. I think I’ll be walking funny for a week.” She winks as she walks out the door.

Devyn rolls her eyes again. “Incredible night, huh?”