“No way, Rye. Balls to the friggin’ wall, baby.”

I let out a relieved sigh. “Well, then it’s a date. I’ll see you around five.”


RILEY IS ALREADY AT the table when I walk into the bar. I get a goofy grin on my face when he starts walking towards me with a sexy swagger.

As he reaches me he whispers, “Are we allowed to kiss in front of them?”

I look behind him and see everyone staring at us, not even trying to be discreet. “Sure.”

Riley moves in for a chaste kiss which quickly escalates into something much more appropriate in private.

“Damn it, am I going to have to see this all the time now?” Drew complains.

We break apart and laugh as we take a seat.

Brody takes a sip of beer. “So, what’s the deal? Are you two officially an item now?”

Riley and I look at each other.

“Yep,” Riley replies. “We sure are.”

Brody lifts his beer in toast. “Well, all hail the magic pussy, brother!”

I narrow my eyes at Riley. “I’m sorry, but ‘all hail’ the what?”

Riley looks embarrassed. “Ignore him. He’s an idiot.”

Brody gives Riley the finger. “I’d rather be an idiot than pussy whipped.”

Riley smiles at me. “If that’s what I am, I’m good with that. You’ll see what I mean when it happens to you.”

“Ha! Never going to happen, dude,” Brody says.

I lean in to kiss Riley again. “You’re whipped, huh?”

He smiles. “Abso-fucking-lutely. And proud of it, baby.”


AFTER GETTING DEVYN A beer, I clear my throat. “So, Devyn has some exciting news.”

“What’s up, Dee?” Rainey asks.

I swear the smile Devyn gets on her face lights up the room. “It turns out I nailed that account I was telling you about. I got the promotion I wanted!”

A round of whoops and congratulations go around.

“There’s more,” I say. “I bought a house on Mercer Island.”

Drew whistles. “Fancy neighborhood for someone living the bachelor life.”

I raise an eyebrow at Devyn asking for permission to proceed. With her eyes, she gives me the go ahead. “Yeah…about that. I’m not moving in alone. Nathan and Devyn are coming with me.”

“Ah, fuck,” Drew whines while everyone else offers their congratulations again.

Drew leans over and mock whispers. “You sure about this, little sis? You just got back together with the guy. I know you have the kid to think about but you two don’t even know each other anymore.”