“Oh, puh-leez,” she says. “You and Jackson are practically measuring dicks out there! You’re making Devyn really uncomfortable.”

I frown. “I’m not trying to make her uncomfortable.”

“Really?” she sneers. “‘Surprise me with a beer, Brigitte.’ What the fuck was that? Are you trying to get the waitress into bed?”


“Well, then what were you doing? Because I’m pretty sure her phone number will be with your drink when we get back.” She gestures to our table where Brigitte is delivering two beers and setting a folded napkin to the side of my glass.

I rake my hand through my hair. “Fuck. I don’t know. I was trying to make Devyn jealous to get her out of her controlled little shell. I would never consider going out with the waitress.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re playing this all wrong, Riley. Making Devyn jealous isn’t the answer.”

I throw my hands up. “Well, then what is? Please tell me you know because I have no fucking clue!”

“I told you she needs to come to terms with this on her own. Don’t push her because you can’t be patient.” She grabs my elbow and prompts me to start walking. “Let’s get back before they get suspicious.”

We return to our table and I decide to take Rainey’s advice. I unfold the napkin out of curiosity and find Brigitte’s phone number. I tuck it into my shirt pocket so Devyn doesn’t see it, planning to throw it away later. I go through two beers before Drew and Brody return to the table. I shift my attention to them as much as possible so I don’t obsess over the way Jackson can’t seem to keep his hands off Devyn. He’s touching her and kissing her at every possible opportunity. All I see is red by the time I’ve finished my third beer. I mean seriously, is the PDA really necessary? He’s practically humping her at the table, for fuck’s sake! And she definitely doesn’t seem into it. I can see her growing more and more irritated as he continues. Doesn’t he realize that she’s inching her chair away from his?

Devyn stands. “I need to go to the bathroom.” She quickly walks away without another word.

I count to twenty and pretend to read something on my phone. “I’ll be right back. I have to check in with work.”

I duck away and head in the direction that Devyn fled. I spot the womens’ restroom and wait right outside the door.

Devyn jumps when she sees me upon exiting. “Riley! What are you—”

I cut her off when I shove her into the bathroom and shut the door. I turn the lock and check under the stalls for feet. We’re alone. Good.

“Why are you even with that tool?” I growl. “You two don’t have anything in common.”

Her cheeks redden. “What the hell kind of question is that? He’s a good man. He’s been nothing but kind to me and Nathan over the years.”

“Kind?” I sneer. “Wow, that’s not the word I’d want my woman to use when describing me.”

“What’s wrong with kind?”

“Kind is boring. Kind is safe. Kind is NOT passion. Fireworks. Kind does not get you off. Kind is the word I’d use to describe my accountant.” Her eyes widen with that last word. “Oh my God, he’s an accountant?”

“What’s wrong with that?” she asks. “It’s a perfectly respectable way to make a living.”

“Jesus Christ, Devyn. What happened to not settling? That’s exactly what you’re doing! There’s no way Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass back there knows how to work your body over until you can’t see straight. Has he ever even made you come?”

She blushes and screams, “Not everything is about sex, Riley!”

“No, it’s not,” I admit. “But you can’t spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t know how to satisfy you.”

“I never said that he didn’t!”

“You didn’t have to!” I scream back.

She throws her hands up in the air. “What do you suggest? Who should I be with?” She laughs mockingly, pissing me off. She reaches into my shirt pocket and pulls out the napkin. “What’s this, Riley?”

I try to grab it as she unfolds it. “Nothing. I was going to toss it.”

She laughs again as she reads it. “Right. Why should I believe you?”

“Because it’s the truth!” I shout.