“Crap!” I say.

“What’s wrong, Momma?”

I brush Nathan’s hair down. “Rose is sick, honey. She’s not going to be able to watch you today.”

Nathan pumps his little fist in the air. “Yes! That means you get to stay home and play with me today!”

A knot of guilt settles in my stomach from his excitement. “No, baby, I can’t. I have a really important meeting at work today. I’m going to call Jackson and see if he can come over.”

“Moooooommm,” Nathan whines. “I don’t wanna play with Jackson all day. He doesn’t like my Legos or my dinosaurs! He’s boooor-ing!”

Jackson is really kind to Nathan but he’s definitely not into playtime. “I’m sorry, buddy, but I don’t really have a choice.”

“What about Riley?” he asks.

“What about him?”

“He can come over and play with me!” Nathan says excitedly.

I bite my lip. “Oh, I don’t know. Riley’s probably really busy with work.”

He tugs on my suit jacket. “Pweaaase, Momma! Just call him!”

I think about it for a moment. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I kiss Nathan on the forehead. “Go brush your teeth and I’ll give him a call.”

“Sweet!” he says.

I laugh as I walk down the hall. I scroll through my contacts until I reach Riley’s number, hit the call button, and take a deep breath.

He answers after two rings. “Good morning. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tonight.”

“Hi,” I say. “I have a huge favor to ask.”

I hear him moving around. “Anything. What’s up?”

“Rose, Nate’s sitter, has food poisoning so she can’t watch him. He only has preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Drew is on shift at the firehouse until Thursday and Rainey has an annual training thing at work. I’d hate to ask so last minute, but would you by chance be able to take the day off? As you know, my pitch is today. I can’t miss it. If it’s too much for you, I can call—”

“I’ll do it,” he interrupts.

“Really? You don’t mind babysitting a crazy four-year-old all day?”

“Devyn, he’s my son. It’s not called babysitting when it’s your own kid. I’d be happy to stay with him. It will be nice to finally have one on one time with him.”

I smile. “Are you sure it’s not too much?”

“I’m positive. I’m looking forward to it. When do you need me?”

I look at the clock. “I need to leave by eight at the latest. Do you think you can make it in time?”

“I can be there by quarter till.”

“That’s perfect, Rye. Thank you so much. You’re really saving my butt here.”

“Devyn, I mean it. It’s my pleasure. I just got out of the shower so I can leave as soon as I throw some clothes on.”

“You’re naked right now?” I squeak.

I swear I can see his smile through the phone. “Well, technically I’m wearing a towel but I can lose it if you need me to improve the visual.”