Drew laughs. “Oh, this is fucking priceless. Does Jackson know?”

“Yes, Jackson knows. Well, about the paternity thing. Not that they both live at the Marselle.”

“So what the hell are you going to do? Am I supposed to pretend I don’t know?”

“No, you don’t need to pretend. Lorraine knows too. Just don’t be open about it with everyone until we’ve figured out how to tell Nathan. I just need a little time.”

Drew stands up and grabs his keys off the kitchen counter. “Go do whatever girly shit you need to do. I’ll go to the store.”

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. “Have I told you lately that you’re the best big brother ever?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he mutters.


I’M SITTING AGAINST THE curb in front of Devyn’s building waiting for Brody to get here. I pull up my text messages and smile while reading the one that I sent from her phone to mine.

Devyn: My memory didn’t do your hotness justice. The real thing is SO much better.

It was my attempt at lightening the mood. I was pissed and reacted poorly when I found out about Nathan. I felt a reminder of how playful we could be together was in order. Did Drew tell her I was coming over? I don’t want her to be blindsided so I type a quick message.

Me: Hey, did Drew give you the heads up that you’re having company for the game today? And by company, I mean ME and Brody. Are you okay with that?

I wait for her reply.

Devyn: He did tell me.

That’s it? Really? I’m staring at my screen, waiting for that little bubble to pop up indicating she was typing something else. Hmm.

I start typing again when nothing comes.

Me: And? Are you okay with that?

The typing bubble is there but no message comes. I wait for three minutes. She’s either writing a novel or is thinking about her reply very carefully. I’d bet on the latter. Finally, she hits send.

Devyn: Yes I’m okay with that. Nathan is here though. We need to tread lightly until we have a chance to discuss how to tell him. Agree?

I smile, thankful she doesn’t tell me to turn around and go home.

Me: Agreed.

I look at the time and realize Brody is late. I don’t want to wait anymore; I’m anxious to see my girl. And my boy.

I send one last message.

Me: I’m in front of your building. Brody isn’t here yet but I’d like to come up if that’s okay.

Devyn: Okay.

She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I get out of my car and run up to her front door.


I’M STARING AT RILEY’S text trying not to show my anxiety. I scroll up and read through our conversation. I laugh when I read his first message while we were exchanging phone numbers. I didn’t catch it before.

“What’s so funny, Momma?” Nathan asks.

I lock my phone and place it on the end table. “Oh, nothing, baby. I just read something funny.”