“Why is he an ath-hole, Aunt Wainey?”

She gasps. “Shh! Don’t say asshole. Your mom will kill me!”

I laugh and give the foul-mouthed little boy a good once over. So this must be Devyn’s son. He’s a cute little guy.

“Hey, mister, you have holes in your cheeks like I do!”

Huh? Holes in my cheeks? Oh, he must mean my dimples. I study his face more carefully. He has his mommy’s hair but that’s where the resemblance ends. He has big brown eyes, a medium complexion, and yep, two giant dimples just like me. “Yep, buddy, I sure do. Trust me, they’ll come in handy later in life. The ladies love ‘em.”

Rainey rolls her eyes. “Nice. Any more lessons in womanizing you’d like to give today?”

“What’s womanizing?” the boy asks.

“Shit!” Rainey says under her breath. “Don’t repeat that either, Nathan.”

I crouch down on the floor so I can be eye level with him. “Hey, Nathan, do you like chocolate milk? Would you like me to get you one?”

He does a fist pump in the air. “Yes! I LOVE choc-wit milk!”

I stand up. “One choc-wit milk coming right up.”

“No, really you don’t—” Rainey says.

I pick up the carton from the refrigerated case and hand it to the cashier. “Too late.”

I poke the little straw through the top and hand it to him. “Here you go, buddy.”

Nathan climbs up and sits on the chair at my table. “Thanks duth-bag.”

“Nathan!” Rainey scolds.

I laugh. “Did he just call me a douchebag?”

She bites her lip. “He sure did. We’re working on extracting Uncle Drew’s potty mouth from his vocabulary. It’s a daily struggle.”

I gesture for her to take a seat. “Care to join us?”

She begrudgingly sits down and takes a sip of her coffee. “Don’t think this means I’m okay with the stunt you pulled the other day.”

I hold my hands up and take the chair next to Nathan. “Don’t worry, I’ll pretend you’re dying to kick me in the nuts.”

“No pretending necessary,” she mutters.

“Uh oh, should I go back home and get my cup?” I joke.

She raises her eyes and smirks. “I’ll control myself for the kid’s sake.”

Nathan puts his little hand on my cheek. “Hey, mister, you have brown eyes like me too. Mommy says they look like choc-wit pools of yummy-ness.”

This kid is a riot. I glance over at Rainey while I laugh again. She’s staring at our exchange, completely frozen.

“Holy shit,” she whispers.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She slams her hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, we have to go. She stands up and quickly scoops Nathan into her arms. Come on dude, we have to go get mommy.”

“But mommy’s posta’ meet us here!” he whines. “I want my choc-wit milk, Aunt Wainey!”