She laughs. “Well, aren’t you the quintessential gentleman? Does that crap normally work for you?”

I take my seat and return her laughter. “Usually, yeah.”

She snorts. “Well, Romeo, you can save the charm for later. We’re here as friends. Remember?”

“Right,” I say. “So, you like football, huh?”

She nods enthusiastically. “Oh yeah. I like every sport really, but football is definitely my favorite. I watched religiously with my dad and brother growing up. On Sundays, we worshipped at the Church of the Flying Pigskin. My mom made the best nachos for us. It was great.”

“What are you doing after this?” I ask. “You wanna get married? Because seriously, you are like my dream woman.”

She laughs. “Ah, sorry, but I’m not looking for dates or husbands today. Tough luck there, Romeo.”

“So where’s home for you?” I ask, trying not to count how many times she’s shot me down already.

“Ashland, Oregon. It’s a few hours south of here right above the California border.”

“Yeah, I’m familiar,” I say. “I’m from Napa. My mom used to drag me up to the Shakespeare Festival every year when I was younger. She wanted to expose me to some culture or shit like that. Personally, the five hour drive was a pain in my ass. I finally convinced her that I had enough culture when I started high school.”

She laughs. “Oh, you’re totally missing out. I’ve been countless times and it never gets old.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” I laugh.

“We’ll have to go together sometime. Seriously. If you don’t like it, you just haven’t had the right experience yet.”

My dick perks up at this. She’s already talking about future outings. Taking me with her to her hometown. Normally, I’d say she was getting way too clingy but I’m not getting that vibe from her. I sip my beer and nod. “I might just take you up on that. Maybe we can check it out when we go home for the summer. I can easily make a pit stop in Ashland.”

She ducks her head. “I’m not going home for the summer.”

“What? Why not? It’s so close. Wouldn’t your parents be pissed?”

“I don’t have parents,” she whispered.

“What? But you just said—”

She looks up and her eyes are a little shiny. What the hell? “They died. My mom…she had breast cancer. It took her when I was ten. Then my dad…he had a heart attack halfway through my senior year of high school. He went to bed one night and never woke up. It’s just me and my brother now. He’s almost four years older so he came to help me through graduation but then he moved to Seattle last month.”

Oh shit. I have no idea what to say. She just exposed something so personal and raw. I want to pull her into the world’s biggest bear hug but for some reason, I think she’d fight that. I reach across the table and settle for a hand squeeze. “I’m sorry for your loss, Devyn. Really. That really sucks.”


HOLY CRAP, WHY DID I just blurt that out to a virtual stranger? I can’t believe I told him about my parents! I came to U of O so I wouldn’t be the poor orphan that everyone back home considered me to be. Being in Eugene was my chance at a fresh start and I just blew it by telling this guy I just met about them. What the heck was I thinking? What is it about this guy that makes me feel like baring my soul? He’s obviously a huge player which is not even close to my type. But God, sitting here with him, I feel like I’ve known him forever.

Trying to lighten the mood, I nod towards his beer and say, “I’ve changed my mind. Can I try a sip?”

He looks skeptical but he hands the mug over. “Sure.”

I hesitantly take a sip and actually like it. I’ve heard that beer is an acquired taste, but this stuff is yummy. I take a large gulp. “Wow, this is good. I’ve never had beer before.”

He raises his eyebrows. “You grew up in one of the largest brewing states and you’ve never had beer before? How is that even possible?”

I sit up tall. “I’m not twenty-one. It’s illegal.”

He smirks. “It appears as if you’re turning over a new leaf, you little rebel.”

He pours another glass and offers it to me. I down half the glass before replying. “Apparently, I am.”

He holds his mug towards mine. “Shall we toast, rebel?”