“Please don’t do this.”

“Do what?” he asks. “Want to take care of you? Love you? God, I’m such a jerk.”

I frown. “That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. I really don’t want to argue. Your place tonight sounds nice. Let me just hit the bathroom real quick and then we can go.”

He smiles. “I’ll take care of the bill and meet you outside.”

Okay, I know this is awful, but bathroom was really code for bar. Jackson only has wine at his house and after his drink snatching earlier, I doubt he’ll be in any hurry to offer me any. Since becoming a mother, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had more than two drinks with dinner, but this week certainly warranted it. I’ve been working my butt off trying to get this big promotion. As if that wasn’t enough, Riley’s sudden reappearance is really messing with my head.

I squeeze in between two stools at the crowded bar and signal the bartender. “A double of Maker’s Mark, please.”

Despite being so busy, he grabs a small glass and pours my drink right away. I down the contents in two gulps and slam the empty on the bar. I dig a twenty out of my purse and place it on the counter.

A large hand slides the bill back to me. “I got this.”

I shiver and it’s not from the bourbon. That deep voice rolls over me like honey. Always has, whether I want to admit it or not. I look to my left and see Riley grinning at me like an idiot.

“In all the bars, in all the cities, you walk into mine. Two times in one week. Are you following me? Or am I just the luckiest sonofabitch alive?”

I roll my eyes and smile despite my internal refusal to do so. Damn him. “Smooth, Rye. Is that your new pickup line these days?”

“Depends. Is it working?”

I giggle. Giggle! WTH? I blame the alcohol. Finally gathering my proverbial balls, I say, “Thanks for the offer, but I can pay for my own drink. I need to go.” I leave the twenty on the bar and turn to walk away.

He grabs my arm. “Devyn, wait.”

I glare at him. “I waited for two years, Riley. I think that’s long enough, don’t you?”

He drops my arm. “What? What does that mean?”

I roll my eyes and resume my path to the front door. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

He follows me. “Never mind, my ass! What does that mean, Devyn?”

I finally make it outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. It’s pouring rain and I’m getting soaked but I couldn’t care less. “It means that I’m done waiting for you, Riley!” I scream. “I’m done waiting for you to grow up and take care of your responsibilities. I’m done pretending that you’ll come to your senses one day and realize what you gave up!”

I’m crying hysterically at this point. Again, totally the alcohol’s fault. I can’t handle my liquor like I used to.

“What?” he shouts. “You’re not making any sense!”

“Oh, screw y—”

“Devyn, honey, what’s going on?” Jackson steps up to me and holds his umbrella over my head. A little too late, but I appreciate the effort. He looks between me and Riley. “Who’s this, babe?”

Riley glares at Jackson. “Who the fuck are you?”

Jackson returns his glare and motions for me to walk away with him. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you home.”

Riley’s mouth drops open. “Devyn, who is this guy?”

I poke him in the chest. “You lost the right to ask five years ago, Riley!” I loop my arm through Jackson’s elbow. “Let’s go home, babe.”

I don’t risk glancing backwards as we make the short trip to Jackson’s building.


WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKITY-FUCK just happened? And who is that asshole taking her home with him? I am so goddamn confused, it’s not even funny. I watch them walk away while standing here in the downpour like a moron. I wait the entire time for her to look back at me just once but it never happens. They walk to the end of the block and cross the street. I laugh at the absurdity of it all when they step into my building. There are way too many coincidences in play here. Takeout forgotten, I give them enough time to get into the elevators before I follow and make my way to my apartment. I stomp through my condo shedding my soaked clothes as I make my way to the liquor cabinet. It’s going to be a long night.