better now. I must be getting my period or something.”

“Periods suck!” she exclaims. “Women totally got screwed in the gender pool. We have to deal with bleeding once a month, we can’t pee standing up, and we’re expected to blow our vaginas to Smithereens bringing life into the world!” She winces, probably just now remembering who she’s talking to. “Oh, I didn’t really mean that last one. I’m sure your vagina is beautiful…and tight…not blown out in the least. Guys probably love getting all up in your coochie!”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, can we please stop talking about my vagina now?”

“Sure, no more talk about perfectly tight vaginas. Now that reality TV woman that’s had like twenty kids is a different story. Her vagina has to be obliterated by this point. Seriously, having sex with her must feel like shooting an arrow down a hallway.”

I make a gagging gesture from the visual she’s just planted in my brain. “Let me clarify, Lorraine. Can we please stop talking about ALL vaginas now?”

She puts her arm around my shoulders. “C’mon. Let’s go get you some chocolate and get you back to that handsome little boy waiting at home.”

I smile as we start walking. “That sounds perfect.”


THANK FUCK IT’S FINALLY Friday. This week has been insane. I’ve been trying to get settled in my new job during the day while unpacking my shit at night. It’s been four days since I’ve seen Devyn and I’m climbing the walls. The kid thing really threw me off but now that I’ve had a few days to sit on it, I’ve decided it doesn’t have to change my plans. I came here with the number one goal of getting her back into my life. Yeah, she has a kid, but it’s not like I haven’t dated anyone these past five years. It could’ve just as easily happened to me. If she’s willing to let me back into her life, I can figure out how to add her offspring into the equation.

It’s nine o’clock and I’m starving. My new condo is in the South Lake Union district so thankfully, I have tons of options within walking distance. I have a mad craving for some pasta so I decide to check out the Italian place on the corner.

The hostess greets me with a smile as I walk in the door. “Welcome to Bugatti’s. Table for one?”

I shake my head. “No, I’d like to get some takeout.”

She grabs a menu and nods. “Follow me. You can order in the bar when you’re ready and have a drink while you wait.”

I take a seat directly in front of the bartender. “This is Mike,” the hostess says. “Let him know when you’re ready to order.”

I open my menu. “Thanks.”

Mike approaches me after a few minutes. “Have you decided?”

I nod. “Yes. I’ll have the Lasagna Bolognese to go and a pint of IPA while I wait.”

He nods and takes my menu. He pours my beer and sets the chilled glass on the bar. “Very good choice. The lasagna will take about twenty minutes.”


I’M TRYING TO FINISH my third glass of Chardonnay when Jackson takes the glass away from me. “Hey, slow down there, Devyn. Since when are you a binge drinker?”

I scowl at him. “It’s been a rough week. Can I have my glass back please?”

He hands it back to me. “Fine. But I’m coming home with you afterwards. I’m not comfortable with you being drunk around Nathan.”

I roll my eyes. “And you think I would be? Nathan is spending the night at Rainey’s. She was complaining about how little time she’s had with him lately. She’s taking him to the zoo in the morning.”

In reality, she knew what a crappy week I’ve had and wanted to help out. Even though I haven’t told her about my past with Riley, she senses something big is going on. Hence, my need for something stronger than wine. Maybe Jackson won’t notice if I sneak off to the bar.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Regardless, I will feel much better knowing you’re taken care of tonight.”

“Jesus, Jackson. Take off the kid gloves.”

He winces. “What is going on with you? Are you trying to start an argument? What did I do to deserve this?”

I blow a hair out of my face. “Nothing. I’m sorry. Maybe a dinner date wasn’t the best idea tonight. I’m clearly in a bad mood and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”

“What? I haven’t seen you all week.” He reaches across the table and begins rubbing his thumb over my hand. “Besides, if Nathan really is gone for the night, there’s no reason why we can’t go back to my place. It’s less than a block away and we haven’t been alone in weeks. If you’d agree to move in with me already, we wouldn’t have to worry about finding time to be together.”

Ugh, not this again. Jackson and I have been seeing each other for two and a half years. I can sense that he’s getting frustrated with the plateau we’ve been on lately. He really has been good to me and Nathan but for some reason I can never get past the dating portion of our relationship. I’m not willing to uproot Nathan from the only home he’s ever known unless I know for sure that I have a future with someone. Jackson is a good man, and I care for him, but I don’t know if I can see us being together long term. I refuse to examine the reasons behind that right now.