I smile. “Take all the time you need.”


I GRAB MY BAG and head to the bathroom. Once the door is closed, I turn towards the mirror above the marble vanity and take a good look at myself. This is the last time I will see myself as a virgin. Am I really going to do this? I take a deep breath to strengthen my resolve. Yes…yes, I’m definitely going to do this. I questioned my decision to ask Riley a time or two, but any inkling of doubt that was left went out the window after the day we’ve had. I can’t believe how much thought and effort he put into this! I know for a fact that he’s never pulled out the stops like this for a

ny other woman, which is probably why I was so caught off guard. Riley doesn’t have to woo a woman. Hell, he didn’t have to woo me but if I’m being honest with myself, I’m so glad he did.

Mission accomplished, Rye. There is no way I will ever forget this day or regret my decision to make him my first. I can’t imagine anyone else making this any better. I pull my dress over my head and hang it on the back of the door. I briefly close my eyes as I step out of my shoes, then reopen them, trying to see myself as Riley will in a matter of minutes. My blonde hair falls past my shoulders in waves, barely touching the slight swell of my breasts. My white lingerie may seem a bit cliché with the whole virginal aspect, but I knew I had to have it the second I saw it. It toes the line between sexy and slutty, but at the same time, it’s unequivocally feminine. The barely there lace cups of my bra and matching boy shorts scream anything but purity. I may as well walk out there completely naked for as much as this conceals. Or doesn’t conceal, rather. My eyes are drawn to the script embedded on my rib cage. I got my one and only tattoo on my eighteenth birthday and never told a soul about it. I intentionally put it somewhere that could be hidden with clothing. I wonder how he’ll react when he reads the words, considering they’re so eerily similar to his own.

Time to find out. I take one more deep breath as I twist the door handle.


I’M INSTANTLY ON ALERT as I hear the bathroom door opening, then I’m frozen in place the second Devyn comes into view. I drink her in from head to toe and wonder what the hell I did to get so damn lucky. She’s fucking perfect. I know I should stop staring like a schmuck and say something but words fail me.

My eyes travel from the pink blush on her cheeks to her pouty lips. They go further down to her tits that are barely encased by a scrap of highly transparent white lace. Her nipples pebble under my gaze making my dick even harder. I wet my lips as I imagine tracing my tongue down her flat stomach and around her belly button. I’m momentarily distracted by something on her left rib. A tattoo? Why didn’t I know about that? I smirk as I add her ink to my tongue-tracing agenda and wonder what else she’s been hiding from me. I continue my ocular descent until I reach the sexiest motherfucking panties I have ever seen. In my experience, even the lace ones like these have a tighter weave to them, but not Devyn’s. Every beautiful part of her body that I’m dying to devour is fully on display. I almost embarrass myself by blowing my load when I get to the center of her body and notice a dark blonde strip of curls. My fists clench and unclench, impatiently waiting to touch every inch of her skin.

She wrings her hands, something she does when she’s nervous. “Riley, say something.”

I’m shaken out of my stupor. “My God, woman.”

She fidgets even more. “Too much?” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m sorry; I just wanted something that made me feel sexy. It’s stupid and trashy, isn’t it?”

I quickly launch into action to squash these ridiculous insecurities of hers. Uncrossing her arms and nodding towards her body I say, “That could never be considered stupid or trashy. I’m pretty sure it’s the best damn idea you’ve ever had.”

She laughs. “Really?”

I nod enthusiastically. “Uh huh, definitely. Best. Idea. Ever.”

She disarms me yet again with her smile. “Well, I’m glad you think so.” Resuming her fidgeting she adds, “God, why is this so awkward?”

I shake my head, taking her by both hands. I have to try harder than my dick is at the moment to maintain eye contact so she takes me seriously. “Not awkward, Dev. Just new territory for us.” I look down at my fully clothed self. “I appear to be overdressed. Would it help if I evened the playing field?”

She nods. “Yeah, I think so.”

I pull my t-shirt over my head and give her a moment to look her fill. I’m not a gym rat by any means but I definitely take care of myself. She reaches out tentatively and runs the tips of her fingers over my pecs. Fuck. Giving her a minute to explore was a bad idea. I swear I can feel my impending orgasm coming at me like a freight train. I still her hand and warn, “Honey, if you keep touching me like that, this will be over before it begins.”

She retracts her hand. “What?” After a few seconds it sinks in. “Oh. But…but I thought the more sex you had, the greater your…you know, stamina is.”

I laugh. “Typically, my stamina is the last thing you need to worry about, babe. But right now, I feel like a fucking virgin myself when I look at you like this.” I hold her jaw in my hand and stroke her cheek with my thumb. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of. And if I happen to…get a little too excited the first time, we’ll just have to try again… and again…and again until we get it right.”

“You can do that?” she says and blushes.

“With you? Yeah, I can definitely do that.”


OH MY GOD. I thought only fictional guys could go for more than one round per night. I know Riley well enough to know that he would never boast about something like that if it weren’t possible. Yikes!

“Can I do it more than once tonight? I mean…won’t I be too sore or something?”

He smiles. “Maybe…I’m not exactly an expert on de-virginizing someone, Dev. If you are, there’s plenty of other things we can do. You’re mine for the night and I plan on taking full advantage of that.”

I laugh. “Oh yeah?”

He runs his hands down my spine, creating goose pimples everywhere he touches. The look he gives me has me frozen in place. “Yeah.” Kissing down my neck he adds, “Now stop thinking. Feel.”