After a few seconds of looking anywhere but at me, she lifts her chin and hesitantly meets my eyes. “What is this, Riley?”

I’m confused. “What is what?”

She throws her arms out, gesturing to our surroundings. “This! All of this! Happy hour at the Heathman? And don’t even try claiming it was a coincidence again when you know how much I love those books. Then following it up with one of my favorite movies while snuggling under a blanket? And the hot chocolate? You know how much I love hot chocolate on chilly nights and you took it a step further by spiking it with the most delicious creation I’ve ever tasted! Why are you doing all of this? These are all very date-like activities. Like, best date ever activities!”

“Your point being?”

“This isn’t a date, Riley!” she shouts, garnering the attention of some bystanders.

r /> I usher her to some rushing water nearby to drown out our conversation. “Why isn’t this a date? Especially considering the fact that you want this night to end with a very good date-like activity.”

She huffs and sits down on the steps. “It can’t be a date. Dates open the door to possibilities. Possibilities that you and I don’t have.”

I sit down next to her and grab her hand. “Dev, I know that. You know that. I’m just trying to give you a night that you’ll remember, okay? Yeah, I had the home court advantage when I was planning it because I know you so well.” I grin. “Like I said earlier, you should never settle. I just don’t want you to look back on this night years from now and feel like you settled. That’s all this is. I promise.”

She offers me a small smile. “Really?”

I nod my head. “Really.”


OH MY GOD, I am thrown way off balance from that kiss! I always knew Riley and I had chemistry but it was never this explosive before. I got a little taste in my car earlier but this is different. That kiss was freaking volcanic! Riley offers his hand which I accept after only a brief hesitation. As he starts leading me across the square I ask, “What now?”

He points to the tall white building on the corner. “Look carefully up on top of that building. Do you see those people looking over the ledge?”

“Yeah. What’s up there?”

“It’s a restaurant,” he replies. “On the roof, anyway. The space in between that and Macy’s is a hotel. I figured we could get some dessert and maybe a nightcap before heading downstairs to our room.”

“Oh.” I stare at the imposing structure. I started to feel warm as soon as he mentioned our hotel room. I don’t know why I’m acting this way; Riley and I have shared a bed many times over the years. But there was always the knowledge that nothing physical would ever happen back then. Now? Not so much.

He grins. “That okay?”

I clear my throat. “What? Um, yeah…of course it’s okay.”

He increases his stride, towing me behind. “Then let’s go.”


WE WALK INTO THE lobby of the hotel up to the check-in desk. I stare at the lighted mural behind the counter as Riley tells the clerk we have reservations. He hands her his credit card, signs something, and pockets two keycards.

“Would you like me to have someone take your bags up for you, sir?” she asks.

Riley looks over his shoulder and winks at me. “Yeah, that’d be great. We’re going to head upstairs for a nightcap.”

“Very well, sir. Please let us know if you need anything. Enjoy your stay.”

He leads me to an elevator that takes us up to the rooftop lounge. The hostess seats us at one of the white couches in the open-air balcony. She hands us our menus as Riley orders two shots of Fireball.

When the hostess leaves, I look around. “This place is nice.” The city view is lost on me because I’m not really paying attention to our surroundings. I can’t stop thinking about the keys in his pocket. The ones that lead to our hotel room. The room where we’re going to have sex. After we leave here. Oh God.

“It is,” he agrees while looking at the menu. “Do you want to share the tempura banana split?”

I quickly glance at my menu. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

Our waiter arrives with our drinks and takes our order. We drink our shots and make small talk until our dessert arrives. My mouth waters as I stare at the plate in front of us. Fried bananas are topped with a cherry compote, peanut brittle ice cream, and caramel sauce.

I lick my lips. “Yum.”