He shakes his head. “Nuh uh. I didn’t agree to that. If we do this, Devyn, we do it on my terms.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” he replies as he pulls off the freeway leading us into the heart of Portland’s Pearl District, “that if we do this…no, scratch that. When we do this, I’m in charge. And ‘real quick’, ain’t gonna happen, sweetheart.”

“Domineering much? I didn’t say I wanted to explore S&M.”

His eyes glitter with…lust? No, that can’t be right. “I wasn’t talking about anything kinky.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Well, nothing too kinky. What I’m trying to say is that this will not be a wham, bam, thank you ma’am sort of thing. No way. If that’s what you want, I’m out.”

Wait…what? “Huh? I’m confused.”

He pulls into the parking garage beneath my new apartment building. Thankfully he’s been here once before when I signed the lease so I don’t have to direct him with my befuddled brain. Grabbing my hand again he says, “Devyn, I’m not going to be an asshole who just takes pleasure for himself. This is your first time. You said yourself you wanted it to feel good which is partly why you chose me. I’m going to make sure that happens. That’s not going to be possible unless you’re loosened up beforehand.”

“Okay…and how do we accomplish that?”

He pulls into a spot near the elevator and puts the car in park. “You just leave that to me, baby.”

Call the panty fire department…there’s that grin again!


“YOU JUST LEAVE THAT to me, baby.” Okay, I know that was a cheesy line but if the blush staining her cheeks is any indication…I’d say I’m peaking her interest. But damn, does she really think so little of me that she actually believes I’d rid her of her pesky virginity and just walk away? The last time I was with a virgin was when I was a virgin, but the one thing I learned from that flop is that it is not comfortable when a woman loses hers. I was a sixteen-year-old punk back then who had no idea what he was doing. I still harbor guilt for not knowing beforehand that a woman needs to be well prepared for sex, especially if she’s never done it before.

I’m going to make damn sure I don’t repeat that mistake again. Devyn is going to be seduced. And not in a creepy, take advantage kind of way. I mean she’s going to be wined and dined, and when the time comes to remove our clothes, she will be worshipped. I will make her body feel so good by the time we’re done that she will never be able to have sex again without comparing it to our time together. Okay, so technically I’ll be walking away afterwards since I’m moving to Boston next week, but it’s not like we won’t talk or visit each other as often as possible. She’ll continue being my best friend only she’ll know what I looked like naked once upon a time. See? Totally different.

“Seriously, how do we accomplish that?” she insists. “I’m a planner; you know this. My brain doesn’t like spontaneity.”

I laugh. She really is a Type A personality but it’s adorable as hell. “Well, too bad. I made the plans for this weekend, and your brain is just going to have to handle going with the flow.”

“You made plans?”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Well, you don’t have to sound so shocked.”

She starts wringing her hands again. “Quite frankly, I am.”


“Well, you’re the one doing me a favor here. Why would you need to plan anything extra?”

I roll my eyes. “Having sex with you won’t exactly be a hardship, Dev. Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

There goes the blush again. “You think I’m pretty?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I scoff in disbelief. “You’re easily the hottest chick I know.”


“But what?” I press.

“But, you normally date brunettes. Petite, perky brunettes.”


“So? Well, I’m blonde for one. And gangly. And certainly nowhere near perky.”

Wow, how the hell did she ever develop this complex? Time to start the s

eduction and set the record straight. Grabbing her hand, I bring her index finger to my lips. “For one, who gives a fuck what color your hair is?” Kiss. “All I care about is that it’s long enough to wrap around my fist when I’m fucking you senseless. Two,” I grab the next finger and briefly pull the tip into my mouth. “You’re tall, not gangly. I’m fairly certain every dude you’ve ever met has imagined those long legs wrapped around his hips… or better yet, hanging over his shoulders while he’s tasting you.” Loving the darkened blush on her cheeks I add, “I certainly know I have more than once.”