Ainsley props a hand on her hip. “What’s rude is interrupting our night. Which won’t happen again. Jazz and I need to have some good old-fashioned girl talk, and we can't do that with you idiots present."

“Whatevs,” Bentley pouts.

I jerk my head toward the hall as I face Kingston. “I assume you’re waiting to speak with me alone?”

One side of Kingston’s mouth kicks up in the corner. “Maybe I want to tuck you in.”

“Not happening. But if you have something to say, walk with me.” I give Ainsley, Bentley, and Reed a single wave. “‘Night, guys.”

“‘Night,” they all reply in unison.

Kingston waits until we’re inside my room with the door shut before speaking. “Has Peyton given you any trouble?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t seen her once since I’ve been home from the hospital. Why?”

He scrubs a hand over his jaw. “She said something concerning the last time I was here.”

“Like what?” I head into my closet and pull some clothing out of the drawer.

“She implied she might’ve had something to do with your attack.”

I drop my sleep shorts on the ground. “Are you shitting me?”

"She didn't outright admit anything. It could've been a baseless threat, but I'm having my P.I. keep a closer eye on her just in case. You need to tell me what happened, Jazz. If it makes you more comfortable, I can arrange for John—that's my P.I.—to be there when you do."

Kingston steps into my closet, picks up my fallen pajamas and hands them to me. He briefly looks over my shoulder and seems lost in thought. I turn my head and see nothing but a stark white wall. The same wall where I climbed him like a tree and let him finger me. Aw, hell. Now I’m thinking about it.

He smirks, obviously picking up on my train of thought. “Good memories in this closet.”

I hold my hand out, shaking my head. “Nuh-uh. Don’t do that.”

The jackass laughs. “Do what? I didn’t do anything.”

I swirl my finger in his direction. “You’re not going to charm me with your sexy smirky smirk. You owe me answers, buddy, and I refuse to wait any longer. Once I get those, I’ll tell you what happened.”

“So, you think I’m sexy?”

I’m pretty sure I actually growl. “Not the point, asshole.”

He takes a moment, stretching his neck from side to side before he answers. “Fine. But we meet at my house. I have something I need to show you.”

I narrow my eyes in suspicion. “If that something is in your pants, keep it to yourself.”

Kingston steps forward, crowding me against the built-in dresser in the center of the closet. “We both know you don’t really mean that Jazz, but don't worry; I can control myself if you can."

I stare him right in the eye. “I can definitely control myself.”

He steps back and looks me over, making no effort to disguise his thirst. “Fine, then it’s settled. You feel well enough to come over tomorrow after you hang with Ains?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “I can hitch a ride with her when we’re done.”

Kingston raps his knuckles on the doorframe. “Just text when you’re on your way.”


“One more thing. Pack a bag. It’s going to take a while, so you’re staying over. And before you say it, I can sleep on the couch.”

I shake my head. “I never agreed to that.”