He squeezes my boob and mumbles, “I don’t wanna. I like it here.”

I don't have a chance to respond before Kingston is pulling on the back of Bentley's shirt, hauling him off me. "Get up, asshole."

Bentley blinks rapidly, trying to clear the sleep fog. When he realizes what’s happening, he glares at his friend. “Fuck you, dawg. I was comfy.”

Kingston returns Bentley’s glare. “Obviously. My question is, why the fuck are you here in the first place?”

Bentley stands to his full height, puffing his chest out. “I came to check on Jazzy Jazz.”

Kingston lifts a brow. “And feel her up while she was sleeping?”

Bentley’s eyes swing to me, panicked. “I wasn’t feeling you up in your sleep. I mean...I guess I was, but I was sleeping, too. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

I smile softly. “I know, Bentley. It’s fine.”

He gives Kingston a cocky grin. “See? She likes it when I feel her up.”

I shake my head at their ridiculous posturing. “That’s not what I said, jackass.”

If the hard set of Kingston's jaw is any indication, he doesn't find it nearly as amusing. "Get lost, Fitzgerald. I need to talk to Jazz, and your presence isn't required."

Bentley glances at me again. "Do you want me to leave you alone with this jerkoff, baby girl? Say the word, and I'll kick his ass to the curb so we can snuggle some more."

“Actually, Bent, I would like you to stay.”

Bentley grins widely, showcasing his sexy as hell dimples. “Sure thing, babe.” He approaches my bed with a little extra swagger, before taking the space beside me, folding his arms behind his head. His eyes twinkle with amusement as he taunts Kingston. “Nap time was fun. We should do it again real soon.”

I’m pretty sure Kingston just growled before muttering, “Keep pushing it, motherfucker.”

Kingston goes to shut the door, but I speak up before he gets the chance. “Leave it open.”

“I’d rather not. Peyton saw me walking up the stairs, and she’s definitely not happy I came to see you. Do you really want to make it easier for her to barge in here?”

I sigh. “Fine, but stay off my bed.”

He scowls. “So, it’s okay for Bentley, but not for me? Why’s that?”

I’m not about to expose Bentley’s emotional breakdown, so I shrug instead.

Kingston glowers and drops into the chair Bentley had occupied earlier. Why is it so sexy when a guy straddles a chair backward? It’s not helping that Kingston’s freshly showered and smells really good. Between the two of them, my whole damn room smells like hot guy.

“Why are you here, Kingston? I told you I needed time.”

“We need to talk. It’s been two goddamn weeks. I need to know what fucking happened in that forest from your point of view.”

“The police know everything that happened. I don’t really feel like rehashing it again.”

“Quit being so damn stubborn. If you recall, I have access to resources the police don’t.”

“Like what?” I challenge.

“That part’s not important.” He shakes his head. “What is important is having as much information as possible so we can catch the guys who did this to you."

I rub my temples. “Kingston, if you want me to trust you, you’ve gotta give me something. You can’t keep withholding information from me. I need a show of good faith.”

“Jazz, like I told you before, I’m one of the few people you can trust. Why would I go out of my way to get you to a hospital if I wanted to hurt you?"

I know he has a point, but I’m getting so sick and tired of all this non-disclosure. This world—all these elitists—seems to be filled with nothing but secrets, lies, and cruelty.