I bite my lip. “Okay, wha—”

My thoughts scramble when Kingston presses his lips to mine. The kiss is gentle at first, nothing like our usual frantic pairing. He takes his time, exploring my lips before demanding entry. Kingston groans as I slide my tongue into his mouth, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him closer.

Why is kissing this man such a full-body experience? All of my senses are on high alert. My panties are embarrassingly wet already. My heart beats wildly as Kingston’s mouth moves along the column of my neck. He stretches the cotton of my t-shirt, nibbling and biting a path to my newly bared shoulder. I don’t utter a single complaint as Kingston lifts my shirt over my head, tossing it to the floor.

He drops his head to my shoulder, groaning as I rub his erection through his pants. “Fuck, Jazz. I’m trying not to be a selfish prick, but I need you so fucking bad. I need to feel something good in the middle of all this fucked up shit.”

I know the feeling. Sex with Kingston is the only thing that gives me relief from the deafening noise running rampant through my head, at least temporarily. Instead of verbalizing that, I decide actions are louder than words. I pop the button on his jeans and slide the zipper down. My hand slips beneath his boxer briefs, wrapping around his cock and pumping up and down a few times. Kingston subconsciously juts his hips forward as my thumb swipes through the precum leaking from the tip.

I gasp when his thumbs brush over my nipples through my lacy bra. I moan as his tongue swirls around the pointed tips. I brace my hands on the counter and lean back, allowing Kingston better access as his mouth ventures south.

“Kiss me,” I pant.

He sucks on the skin right below my belly button, making my pussy throb. “I am kissing you.”

"Fuck." I throw my head back as he undoes my jeans and licks right above my panties' top seam.

“I’m about two seconds away from pulling my dick out and joining the party.”

I scream at the sound of Bentley’s deep voice. “Holyshitballfuck!”

Kingston instantly shields me with his body, so I have to peek over his shoulder to see Bentley. "What the fuck, man? Ever hear of a thing called privacy?"

Bentley scoffs. “First of all, you left the goddamn door open. Again. And we could easily hear you because you’re right across the hall. Secondly, I’m beginning to think one or both of you has some kind of freaky bathroom fetish. Third, it’s my fucking house.” He meets my eyes and shoots me a

cheeky wink. “Hot bra, Jazz. I especially like the see-through feature.”

I blush as Kingston growls under his breath. A muscle jumps in Kingston’s jaw as he and Bentley stare each other down. There’s too much damn testosterone in this small space. It’s giving me all sorts of ideas I have no business thinking. Like, you know, inviting Bentley in and telling him to lock the door behind him.

“Leave, Bent,” Kingston grits out. “We’ll be there in a minute.”

Bentley’s eyes travel back to mine. “Is that what you want, Jazz?”

“Uh...” My face is probably twice as red now. Why is it so damn hot all of a sudden?

Bentley grins. "I don't know, man, it seems like our girl here might want me to stick around." He's talking to Kingston, but his gaze is still locked on me.

Kingston steps forward and slams his hand into Bentley’s chest, shoving him backward. “Fuck off, Fitzgerald.”

“Ditto, asshole,” Bentley spits out.

Jesus, this needs to stop. I hate knowing I’m the cause of this rift between them.

I bend down to pick up my shirt and quickly pull it over my head. “Look, no need to hang out in here anymore.”

Bentley spins around and stomps into the game room.

Kingston’s nostrils flare as he scowls. “You’re not fucking helping the situation, you know. What am I supposed to do when you act like you wanted him to stay?”

I yank the zipper up and button my jeans. “Who said I was acting?”

Damn it. Did I really say that out loud?

His lips thin as he scans my face for something. “Just fucking forget it. Let’s get this over with.”

Kingston leaves the bathroom with me trailing behind. When we return to the game room, it's as if the air got sucked out of the room. There’s so much tension between Kingston and Bentley, it’s putting me on edge.

Bentley grabs the glass pipe in front of him and lights up the bowl. After taking a huge hit, he says, “Let’s fucking get this over with. Shall we? I’m sure Kingston is anxious to get his dick wet.”