His nostrils flare. “A friend you’ve fucked.”

My eyes narrow. “Why does it matter?”

“Because it fucking does,” he growls.

“I am not having this conversation in my driveway.”

Kingston flips open the passenger door of his car. “Get in.”

I scoff. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

His eyes slide to the passenger seat, then back up to me.

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” I fold my arms over my chest.

Kingston’s eyes flash with rage doused in a side of lust. “Jazz, get in the car before I fucking throw you in the car.”

“I’d like to see you try.” I’m pretty sure my expression matches his.

My toes curl from the sheer alphaness on display, but Kingston should know by now I don’t appreciate being bossed around.

I squeal when Kingston's arms band around me, and he effortlessly lifts me off the ground. "Put me down, you ass!"

He tries setting me in the car, but I give him a good fight. I know damn well we're making enough of a ruckus to be heard inside the house, but I wouldn't be surprised if Charles was looking out the window, enjoying the fact that I'm being manhandled.

Kingston’s teeth clamp down on the fleshy part of my shoulder, giving him the element of surprise he needs to get me in the car. The locks immediately engage as I sit there in shock, holding the sore spot.

I lay into him the second he gets behind the wheel. “Did you just bite me?”

This bastard actually has the nerve to smirk. “You were trying to knee me in the balls. What was I supposed to do? Think of it as self-defense.”

My head slams back into the seat. “So, what? You’re going to abduct me now?”

He starts the ignition and shifts into gear. “Buckle up, babe.”

I’d like to keep my head attached to my body if we got into an accident, so I begrudgingly comply. “You’re wasting your time. I’ll just have Ainsley take me home, or I’ll walk.”

He glances at me as he turns left out of my driveway, the opposite direction of his house.

“That’s why we’re not going to my house.” He winks.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”

Kingston belts out a laugh as I release a string of curses.

“I’m glad I can be so amusing.” I flip him the bird. “Are you at least going to tell me where we’re going?”

He pulls through the gates that seal off this housing community from the main road and hooks a right. “Bentley’s. Reed’s there, too. Bent’s parents are on safari in Namibia or some shit like that, so we have the place to ourselves.”

“And why do I need to crash your little bromance party?”

Kingston waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You’ll see.”

Crap, why did my mind automatically go to dirty places?

“Kingston, will you be serious?”

"We need to talk." Kingston's tongue sneaks out to wet his lips, which I'm totally unaffected by. Yeah, right. I can’t even convince myself.