Oh, no reason. Just the fact that someone tried drugging your daughter, intent on raping her.

“Right.” I nod.

My dad heads over to the bar cart in the corner of his office. “Drink?”

I shake my head. "No, thanks. I have stuff to do after this."

My father smiles as he fixes himself a scotch and soda. “Do these things involve Jasmine Callahan?”

“Yes. Why?”

He resumes his place in the power chair behind his large mahogany desk. Swirling the amber liquid around in a crystal tumbler, he says, "It's a shame what happened to her, but Charles tells me she's recovered well. Would you agree?"

I know damn well he doesn’t really care, but I’m curious enough to keep this going.

“Good as can be expected, I suppose.”

The prick takes a sip of his drink. “What a perfect opportunity this has been for you to get closer to her.”

A smirk forms on my lips when I imagine punching him square in the face, wiping off that smug grin.

“I couldn’t agree more, Dad. Although, I will admit it’s been challenging because she’s a bit gun shy, with the assailants still out there somewhere and all. But don’t worry; I’ve been showing her how committed I am to supporting her through this trying time. I was in that hospital waiting room the entire time she was there, being the perfect doting boyfriend. My plan is still falling into place nicely.”

He releases a boisterous laugh. “That’s great to hear, son.” My dad takes another sip from his glass as he contemplates something. “You know...I can’t help but wonder.”

My eyebrows rise. “Can’t help but wonder what?”

The overhead lights glint off the face of his Patek Phillipe watch as he rubs his chin. “If you organized the assault to knock her down a few pegs.”

I’m biting my tongue so hard, blood coats my taste buds. The fact that he even mentioned that makes me wonder if he arranged it. Maybe he’s testing me right now.

I shake my head. “Not really my style. If I wanted to ‘knock her down a few pegs’, I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself.”

A broad smile stretches across his face, his white veneers practically blinding me. “Please, share. You’ve never told me what you have planned for the girl.”

I casually lean back in the chair, propping my ankle over the opposite knee. “I don’t have a plan. I’m more of a fly by the seat of my pants type of guy, which works best with her. Jasmine’s a bit of a wild card.”

“Ah, but the crazy ones are always freaks in bed, right?” I have to fight a scoff when he wink


“Yep.” I nod.

My dad folds his arms behind his head and leans back. “So, Jasmine’s pretty stellar in the sack, then?”

Christ, this conversation is making me nauseous. It feels wrong talking about Jazz like this, but I have to stay in character.

“Best I’ve ever had. Sucks cock like a pro.” That part’s not even a lie.

His hazel eyes light up with interest. Fuck. Definitely shouldn’t have gone in that direction.

“Good for you, my boy. I’d love to experience it for myself. She’s such a tiny little thing—I bet her pussy would hug my dick nice and tight. Her ass even more so. Perhaps we can tag team her one day. Or maybe a good old-fashioned spit roast.” He laughs. “Think of it as a father-son bonding moment.”

Over my dead body, you fucking perv.

I swear to all that is holy, I want to bash his head in with a bat. I take a deep breath, reminding myself he’s the one who should be locked up, not me.

“Yeah, maybe,” I mutter.