
“Welcome back, baby girl.” Bentley swoops in from out of nowhere. “You and the caveman are already starting drama, I see.”

“Can it, Bentley.”

“Stay out of it, Bent,” Kingston says at the same time.

Bentley holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “Okay, kids, I think you two need a time-out.” He hook

s his arm over my shoulders. “Let me walk you to class, beautiful.”

I know it’s childish, but I stick my tongue out at Kingston and say, “Gladly. Get me away from this jerkface.”

Ainsley and Reed join us then, sandwiching Kingston between them.

“Welcome back, Jazz,” Ainsley says.

I give her a curt nod. “Thank you.”

Ainsley loops her arm through her twin’s. “C’mon, bro. Let’s take a walk and quit giving these douchebags more fodder.”

Kingston begrudgingly allows his sister to lead him in the opposite direction. At the same time, Bentley and I head toward my statistics class. Right before Bent and I part ways, I spot Peyton, Whitney, and Imogen standing against the wall, their hate-filled stares honed in on me.

“Trouble in paradise?” Peyton asks mockingly. “Looks like things will be back to normal sooner than I thought.”

Before I get a chance to tell this bitch off, Bentley does it for me.

“Get fucked, Peyton.” He sneers. “And quit holding your breath for Davenport. In case you didn’t get the memo, you’ve been canceled. You’re washed-up pussy—nothing more.” Bentley levels all three girls with a look so fierce, I want to cringe. “That applies to all three of you.”

Goddamn, I’m so used to happy-go-lucky Bentley, I almost forgot he could be so callous. It’s kind of jarring. And maybe a little hot.

Obviously, I have a problem.

As if they choreographed it ahead of time, Peyton and her sidekicks gasp dramatically, flip their hair over their shoulders, and stomp away with a huff. Man, they’re freakishly in sync.

“Thanks, Bentley.”

He pulls me into a hug. “Anytime, bae.”

I chuckle. “Do people even say bae anymore?”

I feel him shrug before kissing the top of my head. “Don’t care.” He pulls back and gives me a pat on the butt. “Now, get your sexy ass to class.”

I give him a mock salute. "Sir, yes, sir!"

“Smartass.” Bentley jerks his head toward the room I’m supposed to be in. “Unless you wanna ditch and go make out with me, get in there and learn something.”

That kicks my butt into gear. “Learning it is!”

Bentley's laughter echoes down the hall as he walks away. Right before he turns the corner, he looks back as if he can sense me watching, and winks. I shake my head as I step into the class and take a seat at my desk.

What am I going to do with that boy?



People have been staring and whispering behind my back all morning. I expected that knowing word would've spread about my attack, but something's off. I'm probably being paranoid, but it almost feels like a coordinated effort. Like they've planned this.