"If you're worried about my dad, you don't need to be. The pool house's security system is completely independent of the main house. On the rare occasion he is home, you'll still be safe as long as you're with me."

She holds her hand up. "Stop talking. I've made up my mind, and I'm staying. Obviously, I'll need to make sure I get dressed in the bathroom or closet from now on, but otherwise, if someone wants to watch me sleep or do homework, let 'em. Now that I know the camera’s there, I’ll be careful.”

“That may not be the only camera,” I point out. “There may be others across the house.”

Shit, why didn’t I think of that before? If someone saw us loitering outside Charles’ office, we’re fucked.

Jazz stands and straightens the hem of her shirt. "Then, let's take a walk and scan the rest of the house."

I stand up and shut the water off. “Nothing I say will change your mind, will it?”

“Nope.” She pops the P at the end, pure sass chasing the word.

Fuck, this woman is going to be the death of me.

“So fucking stubborn.” I comb my hands through my hair and tug on the ends. “You drive me crazy sometimes.”

“Feeling’s mutual, babe.” She pats my cheek condescendingly. “Now, are we going to take a walk, or what?”

I narrow my eyes. “Fine. Lead the way.”



Kingston reluctantly left after completing a scan of most of the house and back yard. The good news is we didn’t find any additional surveillance devices. The bad news is that I can’t deny someone is watching me and only me. The question is, who, and why? Despite my earlier bluster, I’m really freaked out by the whole thing. I spent the rest of the afternoon lying on a lounger by the pool and the evening watching a movie in the game room. Thankfully, this house is so huge, I didn’t run into anyone other than Ms. Williams when she asked if I’d like some dinner. I didn’t return to my bedroom until I absolutely had to, and when I climbed into bed, sleep didn’t come easily.

“Did everything go okay with the doctor, Miss Jasmine?” Frank opens the car door for me, his giant biceps straining against his sleeves.

Geez, the man is a beast. He's typically dressed in a button-up dress shirt, so I've never really seen his muscles on display, but today, he's wearing a black polo. Frank's probably in his mid-thirties, but he's a good-looking guy, and he's super sweet. I suck in a breath when it hits me how much my mom would’ve liked him. Hell, I would’ve encouraged her to ask him out if I somehow knew him when she was still alive.

Frank quirks an eyebrow. “Miss Jasmine? Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah, totally fine.” I wave my imaginary pom-poms, trying to shake off my gloomy thoughts. “The appointment went well. I got the green light to return to school tomorrow. Yay me!”

Frank laughs before closing the door and sliding into the front seat. “I’m happy to hear that.”

Truthfully, as much as that stuffy academy bothers me, it’s another reason to avoid my bedroom, so I’m looking forward to returning. Plus, homeschooling blows. Like, seriously blows. I consider myself fairly intelligent—my 4.0 GPA supports that—but statistics are not my strong suit, and I'd definitely benefit from classroom instruction. I can only hope now that I have Ainsley and Windsor's supposed kings in my corner, the other students will stop harassing me.

“JASMINE, IT’S NICE to see you looking so well.”

I finish descending the stairs and take a deep breath. This is the first time I've seen the sperm donor since before homecoming. Kingston told me Charles stopped by the hospital the night I was admitted, but then he left town. I had a hard enough time biting my tongue around this man before. Now that I know he's quite possibly selling human beings for profit, it's going to be even more difficult.

“Thanks.” I tuck a piece of

hair behind my ear, reminding myself to focus and keep my words to a minimum.

“Jasmine, you look lovely, dear.” Madeline, my stepmonster, leans forward and air kisses both sides of my cheeks before taking her place beside my father, looping her arm through his. “I see you’re wearing your Windsor uniform. Shall I assume you’re returning to school today?”

Normal parents wouldn’t have to ask that question. Then again, normal parents also wouldn’t leave the country for a three-week vacation after their daughter was violently attacked and left for dead.

I lift my eyebrows. “I’d wear this any day of the week; it’s so fashionable! The fact that I’m returning to school is merely a coincidence.”

Madeline pretends not to pick up on my sarcasm, but her pursed lips tell me otherwise. “Well, I’m glad to hear things are going well with your recovery. You look beautiful as always.”

My eyes travel from her perfectly styled bleached blonde hair down to the pearly pink nail polish on her toes. “And you look especially tan.”

Madeline preens as if that was a compliment. It wasn’t—the woman is practically orange. I’m pretty sure she has a spray tan on top of a regular one. “Thank you. Your father and I had a wonderful time in Cabo.” She turns her head and smiles up at him. “Didn’t we, dear?”