Find the truth, Jasmine.

“Because...” I swallow the lump in my throat. I know it’s not possible, but I swear I just heard my mom’s voice. “I don’t know. Just don’t touch me.”

I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right. Kingston stares at me in confusion as I take a moment to piece everything together.

It takes considerable effort to level him with a glare when it finally hits me. “Where were you? Why did you have Bentley leave me all alone in that forest?”

Kingston frowns. “He was supposed to wait until I got there. I was right behind you two, but then I got held up.”

“By what?”

His jaw tics. “Peyton. She was drunk and belligerent. Then she started crying, causing an even bigger scene. Reed and I were dragging her back to her house, kicking and screaming. Literally.”

I fight the urge to scoff. “What convenient timing.”

“What the hell does that mean?” His hazel eyes narrow.

“You tell me.”

“What are you talking about?” His eyes widen. “You don’t think I had something to do with your attack, do you?”

Do I? I honestly have no clue what the right answer is.

I sigh, already feeling worn out by this conversation. “I don’t know what’s true anymore.”

Oh, you stupid, stupid girl. Who do you thin

k led the lamb to the slaughter?

My attacker’s words are running on repeat. I don’t know who to believe. Kingston’s betrayed my trust more than once in the short time I’ve known him. How can I say with any certainty he wasn’t responsible for my attack?

Your precious boyfriend doesn’t give a shit about you. Neither do his friends. Sweet talking you out of your panties was all part of the plan.

Was it all some sick joke? Part of some master plan? But why? Just to shut me up about something I overheard? Or is it more? I rub my temples when my head starts throbbing.

“Kingston, get out.”

“Why would I do that? What the hell happened in that forest, Jazz?”

A soft knock precedes the nurse’s return. There’s a gray-haired man behind her—I’m guessing this is the doctor she was referring to earlier.

“Jasmine, I’m Dr. Yates. Are you feeling well enough to talk about your injuries?”

Kingston moves as the doc comes closer, taking a seat in the corner.

My eyes flash to Kingston. “Yes, but I don’t want him here.”

There's a moment of awkward silence before Dr. Yates replies. "Of course." He turns to the fuming man in the corner. "I'm going to need you to wait in the waiting room. Someone will come to get you if Miss Callahan is open to receiving visitors."

“Fuck that.” Kingston shoots out of his chair. “I’m the one who found her. I called 911! I’m the reason she’s here!”

Dr. Yates holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “Sir, please don’t make me call security. My patient has every right to request privacy.”

Kingston kicks the leg of the chair before shooting a glare in my direction. “Fine. But I’m not leaving this fucking hospital. We are not done with this conversation.”

The doctor watches Kingston charge out of the room before speaking again. “Would you like a moment before I continue?”

I’m freakin’ exhausted, but I want to get this over with. “No. Now is fine.”