“Ironic, considering you’re more mocha than milky.”

Nilla giggles and looks down at the counter for a moment before meeting my gaze again.. “I know, right?”

“Listen, Nilla. I need some help.” I pause long enough to see curiosity cross over her face. Nilla’s gaze flicks over to Danika again, who’s having a full on meltdown in one of the waiting room chairs. I should go over there and comfort my girl, but I plan to milk this nurse for all the information she has. Doctors have a way of holding things back, and I intend to visit Nilla later in her shift and get the goods on my daughter.

“What can I do?”

“My daughter came in a few minutes ago by ambulance. She’s unconscious and, truthfully, her mom is freaking out over there.” I tilt my head towards Danika, who’s pulled herself together enough to send a text message. “Can we see her?”

Nilla’s lips pull into a tight, disappointed smile. “Not if she just came in. They have to hook your daughter up to the monitors and do a round of vitals and get her situated before visitors are allowed back.”

“There’s got to be something you can do for me.” I drop down onto my knees and clasp my hands together. Nilla giggles and I’m pretty sure if I had eyes in the back of my head, Danika would be shooting daggers at me. This is all for you, baby. “Please.”

Nilla bites her lip. She steals a glance behind her then exhales loudly. “Okay. Give me a minute.”

“You are a goddess.”

Nilla rolls her eyes and disappears behind a set of double doors. I climb to my feet and drop into a seat next to Danika. I flash her a triumphant smile but she seems less than thrilled with my methods.

“I’d forgotten how much of a man whore you are.” Danika drops her head back against the wall and stares up at the luminescent lights. “Did you at least find out anything useful? Like how our daughter is.”

“Sir?” Nilla says, waving her hand at us from the threshold of the double doors.

“Yup.” I push myself up and extend a hand to Danika. She sighs heavily but accepts the gesture. Her pride won’t let her admit it, but I did good.

Nilla narrows her eyes on Danika as she passes through the doors. “Your daughter is on the third floor. Dr. Richards is the attending physician tonight, and he’s amazing.” She swipes her badge to unlock the staff elevator then pushes the number three once we’re all in. She looks at Danika and winks. “Handsome, too.”

“Maybe that’ll lift her spirits.” I joke, nudging Danika’s hip with mine. She seems less than thrilled.

“So, from what I can tell, Molly lost consciousness on her way to the last hospital and after being given meds to keep he

r under while they got her inflammatory reaction under control, she has yet to wake but she’s still stable.” The elevator door dings, then opens. We follow Nilla down one yellow-lighted hallway, and then another. Finally we stop at room 307. “Here we are.”

Danika pushes the door open and walks straight in without as much as a thank you to the nurse, who stuck her neck out for us. I lean against the door frame and flash my signature grin again. It’s been a while since I've worked my magic. Glad I haven’t lost my touch. “Have I told you how amazing you are?”

Nilla’s cheeks flush. “No, but you can show me on my break at eleven.” Without waiting for me to respond, Nilla turns and walks away, swinging her hips with each step. I have zero intentions of chasing down Nilla tonight. Or ever. She served her purpose. Time for me to serve mine.

Molly’s room is dimly lit, the white walls shaded the color of cream. The room is eerily quiet for a child’s room, the only sounds are the beeping of the machines and Danika’s sniffles. She looks up at me as I draw near, water filled eyes leaking onto her cheeks, and breaks down again.

I rush to her side, like I should have done in the waiting room, and wrap my arms around her. “Shhh. It’s all right. She’ll be all right.”

Danika pulls back and rubs the back of her hand under her running nose, then wipes her snot on her pant leg. “I hated watching you flirt with that woman.”

“I love that you’re jealous.”

“I shouldn’t be. Our daughter is fighting for her life and I’m pissed at you for being a man whore.” Danika shoves my chest, attempting to push me away, but I’m not going anywhere. She exhales a laugh that’s more of a cry then sinks into my arms. “Everything that happened between us seems so stupid now.”

“We could sum our relationship up to colossal misunderstandings of epic proportions.”

“Stupid misunderstandings.” Danika’s phone buzzes in her purse. She leans over and grabs it, reading the message. “Dad and Tessa are ten minutes away.” She sighs then folds into my arms again. “I don’t want her here, Logan.”

“I’ll deal with Tessa when she gets here.” Mom isn’t going to like being told she can’t come in. Knowing Walter, he won’t stay long knowing his precious wife is stuck in the lobby on the main floor. And if I know Danika, she won’t leave Molly’s side until our daughter is awake and healthy, which means I’m not going anywhere, either.

“I hate that I have to go back there after this.” Danika shifts out of my lap and walks to the window. She pulls back the curtain, watching the sun paint the sky in red and gold whisks as it descends for the night.

“You could always move in with me.” My heart’s racing. I’ve wanted to ask Danika to live with me ever since she moved back to town, but we were never in a place where I thought she’d say yes. Even now, I’m not so sure but I have to put it out there.

Danika looks over her shoulder and gives me a sad smile. “That’s sweet, Logan, but you don’t want us living with you.”