I whirl around, more pissed off than I was a second ago. I couldn’t have heard Piper right. She wouldn’t keep something so important from me. “What do you mean you know?”

We’re family. Family doesn’t keep secrets. Not anymore.

Piper drops her arms to her side and reaches out to me. She takes my hand in hers, squeezing it, and looks me dead in the eye. “Her name is Molly. She’s three years old but will be four in a few weeks because she was premature. And she’s beautiful, Logan. The perfect mixture between you and Danika.”

I stare at Piper dumbfounded, a million thoughts running through my head. The world spins. I want a drink but can't make my feet move. She knew. This whole time, she knew and didn’t tell me. Why?

“Logan?” Walter asks, setting his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve got to go.” I push past him and unzip the pocket on my bathing suit, reaching for one of the two room keys I’ve stashed.

Piper cries out, “Logan!”

I don’t want to care about what Piper has to say. I’m pissed at her and need to catch up to Danika before she leaves again but as mad as I am, Piper is family. I look over my shoulder.

Piper’s pale faced, standing in a puddle. “My water broke.”

Shit. I turn and take three big steps over to her. “Walter!” I yell taking Piper’s outstretched hand. She winces, holding her belly with the other. “Where’s Rex?’

“He and Cooper went for a beach run twenty minutes ago.” She groans and squeezes my fingers.

I rest my other hand on her back and rub small circles. I have no idea how to help. Rex should be here, not me. I didn’t get to have these new dad moments. I sure as hell am not about to steal his. “I’ll go find him.”

“No!” Piper yells. “Don’t leave me.”

“Oh, my god. It’s time!” Mom squeals. She looks around excitedly. “Where’s Rex?”

I usher Piper to a lounge chair. She holds her belly while Walter coaches her through a breathing activity. I look around the deck searching for Melody. “Running with Cooper. Call them. Find them and tell them to get their asses back here. Now.” I leave mom without a goodbye and run across the deck. “Melody!”

Melody stops talking to her employee and turns to greet me with yet another fake smile. “Hey there, handsome. Get things worked out with Danika?”

I’d momentarily forgotten about her and our fight. For now, things between Danika will have to wait. “Piper’s water broke.”

“Well, shit.” Melody frowns. “That’s gross.”

“Seriously?” I stare at Melody in disbelief and silently thank God no one ever knocked her up. She was a shit person back in high school who grew up to be a selfish adult. I can’t imagine what she’d be like as a mother. “We need an ambulance here. Now!”

“All right. All right.” Melody radioes the front desk. When I hear her actually convey the message, I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her, I run back to Piper.

“Rex and Cooper are ten minutes away, give or take,” Mom announces when I return.

“An ambulance is on the way. You guys move Piper to the lobby. I’ve got to go find Danika.”

“No!” Piper shouts, reaching for my hand. “Don’t leave me, Logan. I need you here. What if Rex doesn’t make it in time?”

“He will.”

“But what if he doesn’t?” Piper insists.

I exhale and crouch down, wrapping my

arm around Piper’s waist to help her to her feet. She groans again, probably from a contraction. As much as I want to chase Danika down, family comes first. Always.



2 months later