Danika’s response is instant and I take the easiest breath I’ve taken in months. She may be miles away but the same relief as having her in my arms washes over me.

Danika: OMG. Logan. Are you okay?

Me: Not really.

Me: I miss you.

Three tiny dots appear under the chat feed and disappear a dozen times. I shouldn’t have said that. I drop the phone in my lap and pull at my roots. She’s probably going to ghost me again.

Danika: 24 hours. I’m giving you 24 hours but you can’t talk about us.

Danika: I’m serious. The second you do I’m done.

Me: I’ll take what I can get.

Me: Can we FaceTime?

Danika: No. This is hard enough Logan. If I see you, I’ll cave and come home.

The corner of my lips lift. I can’t remember the last time I smiled and it wasn’t forced. Danika still has feelings for me. If she has feelings then I have a chance. I don’t care how long it takes or what I have to do, I’m going to win her back.

Me: Okay.

Sneak Peek at I Love You, I Hate You Part 2


Present Day

I pull my powder puff pink suitcase out of the hallway closet and set it on my bed. I can't believe I'm flying home tomorrow. Florida was the worst experience of my life, and I only lived there for one year—less than a year really. My senior year of high school was supposed to be a fresh start. A way to move past everything that had happened with my mom, my ex, and the girls I used to call friends. Instead, it was derailed by one selfish jerk, Logan Harris. A selfish jerk I was stupid enough to fall in love with.

My phone sings a familiar tune, letting me know I have a FaceTime call. Sarah Archer, my best friend in the world, pops onto the screen. She stayed with me the past three years, even if it was mostly through Facetime and text messages. She and Nona were my rocks when I needed them the most. Unlike someone else I know.

"Hey Hey!" Sarah smiles brightly.

"Sup, Lady?" I walk to my bedroom closet and begin trying to figure out what to bring. Summer in Florida is hot, way hotter than the Georgia weather I’ve grown accustomed to. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to run around in the hoochie-coochie shorts buried in the bottom drawer of my dresser.

"I'm so excited you're finally coming home!" Sarah squeals. The screen wobbles from her excited jumps and I can’t help but laugh. "Three years is too long. So much has changed since you left."

I roll my eyes. Sarah never lost her flare for the dramatics, an unfortunate side effect of her other high school friends. "You were just here at Christmas."

"I know, but that's not the same as you coming back,” she insists, using the reflective image as a mirror for her makeup. “Are you bringing Molly?"

I pull a couple of dresses from the closet and walk over to my bed. I take them off the hanger, fold them neatly and set them in my suitcase. I toy with the idea of bringing a bathing suit, but quickly change my mind. Being around Logan fully clothed is going to be hard enough. I’ve seen his Facebook picture, stalked his social media. Poolside, half naked where he will be showing off his toned body sounds disastrous. Nope…best to avoid that situation altogether. Besides, the last thing I need is for him to see my scars and start asking questions.

I walk into the hallway and peer into my second bedroom. The light is off, the room dark except for the glowing stars on the ceiling. I close the door so our conversation doesn’t wake my sleeping beauty. "Hells to the no. She’s staying with Nona. And trust me, if there were any other option, I wouldn't come back at all. I still can't believe Dad's marrying Mamma T."

I have a lot of problems with this wedding. First of all, I didn't know my dad was dating someone, let alone planning on getting married. I found out about their nuptials when I got the invitation in the mail two weeks ago which was promptly followed by a call telling me that I’m in the damn thing.

If that wasn't bad enough, Mamma T—the bride—is Logan's mother. So, not only am I forced to attend a wedding I had no idea about, but I have to spend three days with the man who single handedly turned my life upside down. The same man who is about to be my step-brother. Fuck. My. Life.

"Walter and Tessa are so cute together. He hangs around the Red Onion more often than not, helping out, sneaking kisses when they think no one's watching." Sarah giggles. She's practically swooning through the phone. Over my dad. Gross.

I pretend to stick my finger down my throat and gag. "When did Mamma T start going by Tessa?"

I don't actually care, but I'd rather talk about Mamma T, I mean Tessa, than my dad’s love life. Sarah shrugs. "I don't know, maybe a year or so ago. So, listen, Logan—"

"Gotta go, Sarah. I've got an early flight and have to finish packing. Can’t wait to see you. Love you, bye!" I hit the end button before she can say anymore. It's bad enough I have to see Logan face to face tomorrow, I damn sure don't want to hear about him.