Logan rolls onto his side, facing me. He smells clean, freshly showered, but his hair is dry. Did he use Piper’s dryer? “And that’s exactly what I told him. Actually, I said you’re better than fine.”

“You are way too hyper. What's going on?” I crawl on top of his lap, my skin tingling with need. Sooner or later I have to let Logan touch me. If not, I might just explode, but I don’t want sex to ruin what we’ve got going.

“I’ve skipped my run every morning to be here when you wake up. I think all the energy is compiling into a supernova of an explosion.”

I roll my eyes, shaking my head. He’s such a dork. “You should go. By the time you get back I’ll be dressed and ready.”

Logan grips my hips and leans up. His lips are close, brushing against mine. Teasing, but not kissing. “I can think of a better way to use this energy.”

He flips me onto my back and I squeal. Logan’s lips find the sweet spot between my neck on my shoulder. I gasp, grasping the back of his shirt. He sinks his teeth into my skin, biting and sucking and sending a shiver of lust through me.

I arch my back, my hips rocking underneath him. I don’t know if Logan realizes it, but I’m not wearing shorts. There’s nothing but the thin fabric of my cotton panties and his school pants separating us.

Logan grunts against my neck. His hand slides under my shirt. His shirt that I fell asleep in. He stops at the center of my rib cage, fingertips grazing the swell of my breast.

Logan lifts his lips, dark eyes staring into mine. We’re nose to nose and I'm hyper aware of my morning breath. He doesn’t seem to mind.

“Go out with me, Danika,” he whispers.

“That’s a big commitment, Logan. One I don’t take lightly.”

He tilts his head, kissing my nose. “Me either. You’d be my first.”

“I thought Melody was your first.” I press my hand against Logan’s chest. He sits back on his heels, pinning me to my bed.

“She doesn’t count,” Logan grunts as his hands slide to my waist. All of the sudden his fingers start moving over my shirt, tickling me. I scream with laughter but he doesn’t stop until I’m out of breath and happy tears stream down my cheeks.

Logan’s thumb finds the bare skin of my hip. My shirt bunches up by my waist, exposing my belly and the elastic of my panties. He traces circles, waiting for me to answer.

“I need time. Go slow with me and we can see where this goes.”


I run my fingers down his chest, feeling every divot between those hard muscles, not stopping until they’re tucked beneath the band of his shorts. “No, but I can be a girl, who promises not to see anyone else, and enjoys kissing you.”

He sighs but smiles. “Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it’s a start.”



I pound my fist against the front door, then shove my hands in my pockets. It’s early and Sunday. Both of which work to my advantage. No one’s here yet. Not even his parents.

Jake opens the door and glares. We haven’t talked since that party. I wasn’t avoiding him or anything. I've just been preoccupied. “You owe me three hundred dollars, cocksucker.”

I step through the door before Jake can close it on me, not that he would. He’s my brother from another mother—so to speak—bonded through abandonment.

I’ve been to this house more times than I can count. Mostly because of parties, but also to check on Jake. His parents are gone more often than they’re home, leaving him to fend for himself with nothing but an empty house and a credit card.

Nowadays, it’s a fucking dream come true but the first time they left Jake he was a scared twelve-year-old with a nanny who only visited at dinner time. Sure, back then things could have been worse, but they also could have been a hell of a lot better.

“Whatever. I’ll get you your money if you’re that hard up about it.”

Jake closes the door and shrugs. “Not really.”

“Didn’t think so.” I walk past the kitchen, towards his dad’s office. It’s off limits and always locked, but I know Jake has the key. “I need the footage from the party two weekends ago.”

Jake’s jaw tenses. He crosses his arms and squares his shoulders, naturally on the defense. I’m not supposed to know about the cameras. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”