Today has been emotionally draining and it’s only half done. I should have stuck to my gut and ditched.



Fucking Cooper. I had everything under control. I’m not Piper. I don’t need him to fight my battles. It’s not like he ever has before.

I clench my fist and slam it in the locker nearest me. The sound echoes in the empty hallway. I hit it again and again until the rage in my chest begins to dissipate. I open and close my hand, looking at my bruised knuckles. At least they’re not bleeding.

The bell rings and I realize I ran out on Danika. I turn back towards the double doors, fighting the crowd leaving the cafeteria. Everyone is rushing to get to their next class.

I need to get in.

When I make it inside Danika is gone. Everyone is gone. I run down the hall to her next class and peer through the window but she’s not in there either. I skim my hand through my hair, anxiety pricking at my neck.

I promised to keep Danika safe. I let my own issues cloud my judgement and I failed her. Again. I slam my fist into the side of the locker nearest me. Fuck!

I press my fingers into my shoulder muscles and crack my neck. I’ll find her. I’m sure she’s fine. I do what I should have done the moment I realized Danika was gone and take my phone out.

Me: Where’d you go?

I wait a few seconds, staring at the screen. There’s nothing. No tiny thought dots. No read acknowledgement. Nothing.

Me: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to run out on you.

Where is she?

Me: Blink twice if you’re alive.

Me: Just kidding. But seriously. Where are you? I’m getting worried.

It feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for Danika to respond. I run my fingers through my hair again, scrambling. Someone has to know where she went. Not like she can leave. I have her keys.

Me: Have you seen Danika?

Sarah: Not since lunch. Why?

Me: She didn’t wait for me to walk her to her next class and she’s not here.

Sarah: I sent a text but she didn’t respond.

Me: She’s probably pissed.

Sarah: Why? I wasn’t the one who drugged her.

Me: She knows about the bet.

Sarah: Well, shit.

The final bell rings. Seems impossible it’s only been two minutes. I hesitate in the hallway, hoping Danika will run from the bathrooms or somewhere in the nick of time to make her next class.

I’m not surprised when she doesn’t.

I head to the parking lot, my last-ditch effort of where she might go, but she’s not by her car. She’s not anywhere. My phone dings in my pocket. I pull it out, dropping the damn thing with my butterfingers.

Piper: Where are you going?