Gunner steps forward and shoves Logan in the chest. “What is your deal with this chick?”

Logan barely moves an inch. He grits his teeth, cheeks pulsating. I’ve seen this look a thousand times; Logan is pissed. Back when we were kids, he’d walk away from a jerk like Gunner. But now that I’ve seen what Logan is capable of, how the fire inside him has taken over, I know without a doubt there will be bloodshed. Again.

Gunner smirks, probably feeling like he’s the man on top or something. He’s an idiot. With every passing second, I realize how much I’ve misjudged him. My desire to wash away my feelings for Logan made me blind, when the truth was staring me in the face.

Gunner grabs my wrist again and Logan snaps. He rushes Gunner, knocking me to the ground in the process. My bare knees scrape against the asphalt but overall, I’m okay. I scoot back and climb to my feet as the boys wrestle each other. Gunner gets the upper hand, sitting on top of Logan and punches him in the face. Logan puts his arms up defensively and lets Gunner wail on him. Again. I know what he’s doing, he’s wearing Gunner out, but that doesn’t mean Logan isn’t suffering in the process.

I stand on the sidelines, anxious energy bubbling under my skin. It kills me. Watching Logan get the snot beat out of him, knowing I could do something to help. Gunner lands another punch, splitting Logan's lip and I can’t stand it any longer. I run up and kick Gunner in the side of his head, knocking him off of Logan.

“Fucking, bitch!” Gunner yells, rubbing his ear.

Logan rolls on to his side, then pushes himself up. Each movement is slow and controlled. I know he’s hurting, there’s no way he didn’t break something tonight. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that.”

“Whatever,” Gunner says, rising to his feet. “No skirt is worth this much trouble. Keep the bitch.”

Logan takes a step forward, but I grab his arm. I appreciate the notion, but one fight just ended. We don’t need another and truthfully, I don’t know if he’ll survive it. Gunner’s face is bloodied, nose twisted, lip split, but he looks like he feels a million times better than Logan.

Gunner steps into his car, slamming the door, then peels out. Logan stands by my side until Gunner’s no longer on school grounds. He turns to me, taking my cheeks in his hands and says, “Are you okay?”

“Me?” I laugh nervously. Outside of a sore wrist, I’m fine. “How about you?”

I run the pad of my thumb across Logan’s lip, smearing the blood to see how deep the cut is. It looks superficial, but it’s hard to tell in the dark. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a hug. My heart’s racing. I was never scared—not for one minute—but I’m trembling. Adrenaline does crazy things to your body.

Logan grunts under his breath. I drop my arms and step back, narrowing my eyes on his beautiful, bloody face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Logan turns and starts walking towards his abandoned duffle bag. His steps are slower, his spine rigid, tilting his torso to the left.

“Logan,” I warn, following close behind.

“It’s nothing, Danika, I’m fine.” He bends down to pick up his bag, fighting a groan in the process.

I poke Logan's side with my finger and he sucks in a breath, lips pressing into a tight line. “Uh-huh. Sure you are. I think my dad is still here if you want him to check you out again.”

“I’m good.” Logan insists, ignoring his pain and my frustration.

I swear, it’s his mission in life to agitate me in every way possible. As much as I hate the storm he creates inside me, I can’t stay away. I shake my head, letting out a sigh of disappointment. “You’re so stubborn.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.” Logan nudges me with his elbow. “Are you coming to Jake's party with me tonight?”

I wrinkle my nose. That’s probably the most unappealing idea I’ve heard all day. “Pretty sure that’s where Gunner’s headed.”

“Fuck Gunner. Besides, I want to show up with you on my arm and let everyone you’re mine.”

Logan wants to show me off? On the outside, I’m calm. Collected. Inside, I’m doing the happy dance. A smile tugs at my lips and I feel my cheeks heat. “When did that happen? Last I checked we were just friends.”

Logan grabs me by the waist and pulls me into him. He looks down at me, beautiful brown eyes locked on mine. Tonight they're the color of whiskey and I’m already drunk on them. “You were always mine, Danika. Always will be.”



Jake’s party is in full swing by the time we arrive. I have to park in the street because every available space leading up to the house is full. I slip my hand into Danika’s allowing our fingers to tangle together. She looks at me with a sideways glance, failing at fighting a smile, but doesn’t pull away. I hold them tighter, letting the electricity traveling up my arm take over.

I didn’t realize how much I wanted this. Now that I have Danika, I’m never letting her go.

When we reach Jake’s front door, Danika lets me go to pull her long locks into a ponytail. I open the door, letting her walk in first then place my hand on her lower back once we’re both inside. The music is loud, blasting through the whole house surround sound. I lean closer, her rosewater perfume wafting my senses. “Want something to drink?”

Danika nods and I lead her into the kitchen. I head for the fridge and grab a can of soda from the bottom drawer, prepared to tackle tonight like I do every party. On the edge sober. “What do you want?”