“Leave him out of this,” I say, reaching for Gunner’s arm.

Gunner jerks out of my reach and presses his brows together. He must finally realize what’s about to happen. “Him? You’re worried about him? I was the one assaulted.”

“Don’t be such a fucking baby,” Logan quips.

I smirk, then force the corners of my lips down. My mother raised me better than to laugh when someone is hurting. I take a second to compose myself then say, “Look, Gunner, this thing between us. It’s over.”

“Are you fucking kidding me, Danika? I told you I loved you. I got us a beautiful hotel room, that you skipped out on, had planned a romantic breakfast, that you also missed, and you’re the one dumping me?” He shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

I cross my arms out of habit but keep my tone steady. Calm. “You can’t refuse to break up, Gunner. That’s not how relationships work.”

“Did you guys ever officially start dating?” Logan interjects with a shit eating grin.

“Why the fuck are you still here?” Gunner roars.

Logan squares his shoulders. “Because I know you. I know you’re a sadistic prick and I don’t trust you alone with Danika.”

These two are going to end up fighting and getting kicked out of tonight's game if I don’t do something. I don’t think Logan will care, but Gunner will be crushed. I set my hand on Logan’s arm, ignoring the electricity traveling between us. “I’ll be okay. Just give us a minute.”

Logan grits his teeth, his cheek pulsating. “I’ll be right there.” He points to the cafeteria doors. More for Gunner’s understanding than mine. “Watching.”

“It's him, is

n’t it?’ Gunner asks, the fight in his tone gone. His shoulders roll forward and I finally feel something for him. Pity. I’ve never seen him look so defeated. I hate that I’m the one who’s breaking him.

I shrug. “Yes and no.”

“Damn it, Danika. I had you first.” Gunner turns and punches the locker.

“And you took a bet out on me, Gunner!” I say, letting my frustration penetrate my tone. I set my hands on my hips. “How could you?” He runs his tongue over his teeth and looks down at his feet. Not even attempting to deny it. “Logan and I have history. He and I will always be…us. But he wasn’t the deciding factor. You were.”

Gunner raises his gaze to meet mine and I’m surprised to see his eyes a little glossy. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late for sorry, Gunner.”



I take my helmet off and throw it on the ground earning me another flag from the referee. I don’t know what’s going on tonight but we’re sucking. Bad. Cooper wasn’t allowed to play because he was suspended for fighting. Again. Tad’s got butterfingers, dropping every ball. And I don’t know where Gunner’s head is. As for the rest of the team, they’re busting their asses but that doesn’t mean they don’t suck any less. We haven’t lost this bad since my freshman year.

I bend down and pick my helmet up, as Coach Riley pulls me off the green. I don’t even care anymore. There’s no way we’re going to win without a miracle. Losing this game means we’re out of the playoffs. Our season is essentially done and it’s only just started. Fuck me.

Grabbing a cup of water from the dispenser, I sit on the bench. Dump the contents on my head. Then toss the Styrofoam behind me. It’s the middle of October and still hot as balls outside. If not for the pretty little brunette sitting at the edge of the bench behind me, legs crossed, arms tucked by her side looking more uncomfortable than a sinner in church, I wouldn’t bother to be here. I would have walked off and left already, but I want Danika to see me at least try and save this game. I know tonight can’t be easy for her.

Coach throws his clipboard on the ground and motions for me to go back on the field. I sigh and shake my head. I’m done. I don’t give two shits about this team. I go back out anyway, only to get my ass handed to me. The game ended and, as expected, we lost. Coach doesn’t even bother to follow us into the locker room. He probably realizes that anything he could say would be a waste of breath and fall upon deaf ears.

I take my helmet off and stare at the stands, watching the crowd clear out. Searching for where that pretty shade of brown went, but I don’t see Danika anywhere.

“She left me. She’ll leave you too,” Gunner says behind me.

I grip the face mask of my helmet and ignore him. Danika’s got to be out there somewhere. I saw her once tonight. She wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye, especially now we’re taking our relationship to the next step. I haven’t actually talked to her about it yet, but I’m almost positive she’ll say yes.

“Fucking whores are all the same,” he mumbles.

I turn, lifting my helmet in the process, and smack Gunner across the back of the head with it. He stumbles a step to the side then turns and lunges at me. His shoulder hits me in the stomach, knocking me to the ground. I tuck my elbows in and lift my arms to cover my face.

Gunner’s got a mean right hook, and lands more than one punch to my ribs. I stay on the ground, taking the beating. Waiting for him to wear himself out because he has the upper hand. Then I’ll make my move.