“I don’t see what the big deal is. If I’d fallen asleep at Sarah’s this wouldn’t be an issue.”

“Sarah can’t get you pregnant.”

“And neither can Logan.”

“Really?” Dad asks, rubbing the day old scruff he’s yet to shave. “Care to explain, because last time I checked a penis was a super straw meant for making babies.”

“Oh, God! Dad! Really?” I bury my face in my hands. We are not having the sex talk. Not now. Not ever.

He laughs.

“Logan is the last person in the world I’d pick to do that dance with.” I shudder and pretend to gag for good measure, but the thought isn’t as repulsive as his verbiage makes it. I bite my lip, letting my thoughts run rampant. I might just let Logan have sex with me. Maybe. If we get into a relationship and we wait a while. Maybe.

“If you say so, kiddo. Just wear a condom. I’m too young to be a grandpa.” The corners of his lips lift again before he takes another sip of coffee.

“Dad!” I shake my head. “I can’t even with you. I’m going up stairs to get ready for school.”

“Need a ride?”

“No thanks. Sarah’s taking me.” I stand, pushing in my chair. I really do need to get ready. I told Sarah I wanted to get to school early. The sooner I find Gunner, the sooner I can get our breakup over with.

“Your birthday is coming up. We should go get that car I promised you.”

“When do you want to go?” I’m sure it’ll be something used, but a car is a car. Love Sarah, but it would be nice not to rely on her.

“I’m off today. Want to head over to the dealership after school?”

“Sure, but I need to be back at the school by seven.”

“Oh yeah? Why is that?” Dad guffaws, already knowing the answer.

I shake my head, feeling my cheeks heat. Of course he remembers. “So you’ll pick me up today?”

“Yup. See you at two, kiddo.”

I twirl a lock of hair between my fingers, anxiously watching the cafeteria door. I haven’t seen Gunner all morning but I know he’s here. Somewhere. Unfortunately so is Melody and she’s bound to be wherever he is. Apparently, they both magically got over their illnesses at the same time.

If I was a betting girl, I’d wager that Melody is going after Gunner because she thinks I stole Logan from her. Who knows, maybe inadvertently I did, but as far as I’m concerned, she can have Gunner.

Finally, after what feels like forever, Gunner walks into the cafeteria, surrounded by his usual posse of friends. I practically jump off the bench seat and run over to them. Gunner, of course, takes my enthusiasm as excitement to see him. His grin stretches from ear to ear. “Hey, doll face. Miss me?” He wraps his big arms around me and leans in for a kiss.

I turn my head, giving him my cheek. The thought of where that mouth has been this past week makes me sick. “Of course. Are you feeling better?”

Gunner releases me and gives an upwards nod to someone behind me. “Definitely. I’m ready to kick ass at tonight’s game. You’ll be there right? Last game wasn’t the same without my favorite cheerleader in the stands.”

“About that.” I lace my fingers with his and take a step backwards. “Can we talk? Alone.”

Tad elbows Gunner, smirking like a kid with his first dirty magazine. Gunner’s got the same stupid grin on his face. I’m sure they’re thinking we are going to have some steamy reunion. He’s going to be disappointed. “Of course.”

I lead Gunner out into the hallway, where he immediately pushes me against the lockers. His hands run from my waist down to my hips, his lips hovering near my neck. “God, I missed you.”

“Gunner, stop.” I push my palm against Gunner’s chest but he doesn’t move. He presses his mouth against the exposed skin, sucking and biting. I pinch my shoulder up hoping it’ll force his face away, but he doesn’t move. “Gunner, please.”

Gunner’s teeth scrape against my neck as he’s yanked back by the shirt collar. “The fuck?” he mumbles.

“She said stop, asshole,” Logan growls, pushing Gunner away from him. I suck both my lips between my teeth and fight a smile. My Logan. Always here to save the day.

Gunner trips over his feet and chuckles darkly, a malicious grin on his face. “What is it with you and this chick?”