Page 54 of Beautifully Broken

I nod, taking a deep breath and counting to three as I exhale. My pulse slows enough that I can form a sentence again. “Getting better every day.”

Rex slips his hand in mine and I realize the words couldn’t be truer. Little do they know, I’m healing. That hug should have instantly sent my body into shock, instead it was a slow build. I’d like to think my progress is because of Rex but I’m not naive enough to think it’s all because of him. Whatever the reason though, I’ll take it.

“Piper,” Mamma T says rounding the counter. “Are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”

“Oh my gosh.” “I’m Rex,” we say at the same time.

Rex chuckles. “Piper doesn’t like the label, but she’s my girl.”

Mamma T grins. “I see.” She turns her attention to Cooper. “And what about you dear?”

“What about me?”

Mamma T slides the straw dispenser to the middle of the counter. She reaches underneath the counter and pulls out the straw-refill-box. She opens each container and begins re-stocking “Is there a lucky lady in your life?”

“Mom,” Cooper groans.

“I’m just saying, dear,” Mamma T looks up her nose at me and winks. “I never see you with a girl, let alone hear you talk about one. Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

Cooper’s cheeks flush. “No mom.”

“What’s she doing?” Rex whispers in my ear.

I flick my wrist, trying my hardest not to break out into a full blown laugh.

“Darling,” Mamma T rounds the counter and takes Cooper’s hands in hers. “I’ll love you no matter what.”

“We all will,” Rex chimes in, a shit-eating-grin on his face. He’s finally caught onto what’s happening.

“Bite me, fucker,” Cooper growls. “Mom drop it.” He pulls his arms back and starts straightening the already neat tables.

“Just say it Coop,” Mamma T puts her hands on her hips. “You’re gay.”

“Mom!” Cooper whirls around. “What the hell? I’m not gay.”

I couldn’t stop the hyena laugh building up inside me if I tried. It comes out loud and boisterous. I haven’t laughed like this since we were kids. “Oh. Em. Gee. This is too perfect.”

“Honey,” she coos, “it’s okay if you’re not ready to admit it yet.” She rests her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll love you no matter what.”

Cooper shrugs it off. “Mom!”

“It’s true Mrs. Harris,” Rex says. “Cooper’s taking my friend Jenny to prom with us next week.”

Mamma T’s face lights up. “You’re going to prom?” She looks at me with hope in her eyes. “Does that mean we get to go dress shopping?”

I’m gonna kill Rex. I was not planning on going to prom, but I can’t crush Mamma T like that. I haven’t seen her this gleeful in forever. As much as she’s done for me over the years, I guess the least I can do is go dress shopping with her. A shiver runs through me. I hate wearing dresses. “I guess so.”

Mamma T squeals. “Oh, I’m so excited. We haven’t had a girl’s day since the summer of your freshman year. I’m gonna go. I’ve got to make hair and nail appointments for that morning.” She grabs her keys off the counter then looks up at Rex. “I’ll schedule Jenny too.” She starts walking out, still talking to herself, “We need a Pinterest board for hair designs…” The door closes.

I glare at Rex. “Seriously? Prom?”

He shrugs. “I was meaning to ask you.”

“I would have said no.”

He grins. “I figured as much.”

“Dude,” Cooper comes up and gives Rex one of those guy handshakes. “Thanks man I owe you.”