Page 11 of Beautifully Broken

“Come swim with me,” Sarah asks, batting her long lashes.

I could peel my shirt off and swim in my shorts, but I don’t want to lead her on. Contrary to how the tabloids portray me, I’m not a bad guy. I don’t make sport of breaking hearts. Everyone I’ve slept with, here or elsewhere, knew long before I fucked them there would be no dates. No future. No us. “Can’t. Not dressed for it.”

Sarah stops pulling but doesn’t let go. She chews on her cherry red lip then flashes a come-and-get-me grin. “Neither am I, but who says we need clothes?”

“Ahhh.” I shake my hand free from her death grip and tuck my thumbs into the band of my pants “Sarah, you’re a great girl, but I’m not feeling it. Not tonight. Sorry.”

Sarah’s cheeks flush. Unlike most of the girls who approach me, she doesn’t strike me as the one-night-stand kind of girl. Outside of her poor choice in friends, she’s cool. She forces a smile. “No biggie, Rex. See you around.”

Sarah all but runs to the beer pong table and disappears into the crowd of people watching the game. She’ll be alright. A little alcohol and attention from some of the guys over there will soothe her bruised ego.

I look around and sigh. My house is full of people, but the one I want is nowhere to be seen.

Why did I come outside again?

Better yet, why did I throw this party tonight?

Because you’re a lonely fuck with no family and no real friends.

I grab a red Solo cup from beside the keg and fill it. Bottoms up. I down its contents in one big swallow, not feeling any better about myself than I did a minute ago. As I’m refilling it, Logan Harris catches my eye. Another name I know simply because he’s at every party I throw. He jumps out of my pool and runs towards the back gate, catching a dark-haired girl in his arms and swinging her around until his twin brother, Cooper, shoves him in the shoulder.


Piper Lovelace is like a comet—fascinating to look at, but disastrous. Nearly every caution sign my dad’s publicist warned me about over the years is there. Still, I’m drawn to her. She’s by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and she doesn’t even know it. Raven hair. Skin as fair as moonlight. Cold grey eyes that harbor a pain I don’t understand but can relate to. Full lips begging to be kissed.

The need to know her is all consuming but the thought of actually speaking to her is terrifying. She makes me nervous and I have no fucking clue why. I’m the son of a major country singer, I can score girls simply by sneezing. But Piper’s shown no interest in my dad or me. It’s almost as insulting as it is intriguing.

As horrible as it sounds, I’m glad I caught Tad trying to do whatever it was he was gonna do to Piper the other day. It gave me a chance to talk to her without the assumption that I wanted sex. That’s the only time anyone talks to Piper, when they want a favor.

I spent the next few days trying to figure out how to bre

ak the ice between us again. And then it hit me, her monthly meetings with the school counselor. Piper almost never shows up to first period after her session. So I sat behind Piper’s favorite oak tree, the one she was probably going to when Tad dragged her to the bathrooms, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I heard a shuffling. I peeked around the side of the tree and saw the bottom of boots—Piper’s signature shoe. Every day is the same: knee high black boots, a uniform issued black skirt, a white button down blouse, because that’s what everyone’s forced to wear, with some sort of black sweater over it. And then, my favorite part, black hair with dark purple tips. I don’t think her natural color is so dark. Her eyebrows are a medium brown, but the dark hair looks good paired with all her dark eyeliner.

I took a minute to calm my thoughts. I’d never asked a girl out before and Piper was gonna be my first. Jenny, my only friend back in New York, says it’s because I’m scared to be rejected. She thinks my fears and social issues stem from my parents lack of involvement. Whatever the case, this was a huge moment for me.

I mustered up the courage to talk to Piper. Everything was going well until I went and ruined it. She shot me down, but I’m not done yet. Gretchen says, “If it’s easy it ain’t worth it.” From what I can tell, Piper’s totally worth it. She’s edgy, and not afraid to be herself. She’s real, aside from her hair color. Best of all, she doesn’t give two shits that my dad’s famous.

Piper’s thrown a long-sleeved Red Onion work shirt on with her school skirt. Her hair is pulled into a messy ponytail with stray pieces falling around her face. I smile, taking in just how beautiful she is. Long legs. Round cheeks. Plump, red lips. Yeah… not even going to fight it, I’m screwed.

I grab another red cup and fill it to the brim with more head than beer. My heart races faster than a greyhound as I run over to her. Slow down. I force myself to walk and it’s hell. After the longest thirty seconds of my life, I stand beside her lawn chair, a smile that feels as lame as it probably looks greeting her. “Hey.”

Piper looks up at me, a small grin tugging at her lips. Her smiles at school are few and far between, unless they're to spite the hateful bitches who try her. This tiny bit of happiness I caused is gold. “Hey.”

I extend my hand with the extra beer too fast, spilling the frothy yellow liquid all over her boots. Smooth. I bring my arm back, spilling it yet again, this time all over my flip flop. This is going great— not.

“I’m not a fan,” she says looking out across the pool. I can’t be sure, but I think she’s watching the Harris twins.

Logan and Cooper are still going at it. Cooper points in our direction, brows furrowed. I’ve studied them, Cooper and Piper, the last few weeks. I don’t understand their relationship. He hovers like an overprotective parent, squashing every rumor, fighting battles I’m sure Piper doesn’t realize exist. On top of his classes and football practice, he still finds the time to be alone with her at school. Stealing a few minutes at lunch, walking her to class, and sometimes even hiding out in the north stairwell. Anyone with eyes can see how enamored he is with her. And yet they live together as siblings.

It’s weird as fuck. But they don’t kiss or hug in public. And that one bit of knowledge is what keeps me going, gives me a sliver of hope that I’ve got a shot. That and the fact that Piper’s rumored to be the school slut. From what I’ve seen, I don’t think it’s true, but Cooper doesn’t seem like the type of person to date an easy girl. Not saying that Piper’s easy. Fuck. I’m glad she can’t hear me right now; she’d think I’m an idiot.

“A fan of fights or drinking?” I ask.