“That’s our baby,” I whisper to Colt.

He looks down at me, his eyes filled with love. “It is.” He raises my hand and kisses the back of it.

“She’s going to be so beautiful.”

“She?” he asks.

I smile. “Yes. We’re going to have a girl.”

His eyes flicker over to the monitor, then to the nurse, like he’s silently asking if she can tell the sex of the baby yet.

I squeeze his hand, bringing his eyes back to me. “I don’t need her to tell me.” I place his hand over my heart. “I know in here we’re having a girl.”

His answering smile leaves me breathless. When he cups my cheek and leans down for a kiss, I lift my head and meet him halfway. He sits on the side of the bed, my hand still in his, and we both look over at the monitor together. The nurse clicks away at the screen, taking measurements of our baby and making sure everything is as it should be.

I lay my head against Colt’s chest and hear his heartbeat, mimicking the rhythm we just heard from our baby. My eyes get caught on the twinkle of the diamond on my left ring finger, and then on the dark band on Colt’s.

I never knew life could be so good. Up until a year ago, I always thought my life would be caught in a web of endless, meaningless sex. Always wanting for my next fix. Forever waiting for something I could never have.

Now, my heart belongs to a man that I know will always cherish and protect it. A man that accepts me for me, faults and all. A man that’s healed the broken parts inside me, and has made them stronger.

A note from the author…

Hypersexual disorder is a very controversial subject. Some researchers believe it stems solely from a person’s past, maybe some form of sexual abuse. Some believe it’s a chemical imbalance of the brain, while others feel it’s not even a medical condition, and the person is simply seeking attention.

In Always Wanting, Abby’s case is extreme, possibly more extreme than any real case out there. I had a hard time finding research for hypersexual disorder, with cases that went into great detail regarding symptoms, and if people really do go through withdrawals. With that being said, I made Abby’s addiction the way it was because the entire subject of sexual addiction is fascinating to me. Always Wanting is purely fictional and meant to entertain, while still shedding light on a subject that isn’t touched very often. Can you imagine being addicted to sex and going through the pain Abby went through if you couldn’t find someone to have sex with?

Although I made Abby’s addiction based on the sexual abuse she endured as a teenager, I do believe there are many different facets to hypersexual disorders. I do believe they exist, but I think that it’s such a touchy subject, one that we still don’t know much about, and therefore, gets looked over. Just because we don’t know as much as we’d like to know about hypersexual disorders, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I really hope you enjoyed Abby and Colt’s story, even if some of what Abby goes through is hard to believe and extreme. The imagination is vast, and can be anything you want it to be. ;)

If you think you’re suffering from a hypersexual disorder, there is help.



To me, this is always the hardest part of writing a book. Acknowledging the people that are part of each book is more difficult than you could imagine.

As always, I want to first thank God, for giving me the courage to put my thoughts to paper and make it available for all to see.

Next is my husband, my daughter, and my son. Thank you for encouraging me, and thank you for understanding when I take time away from you three to continue to follow my dream of writing. I love you all from the very bottom of my heart.

To my Jaded Angels. You all rock, and I couldn’t ask for a better fan group!

To my beta team. Thank you all for helping me make Always Wanting what it is. Your suggestions and recommendations are endlessly appreciated.

Dana, with Rebel Edit & Design, I have no clue how you put up with my many mistakes you come across while editing, but I’m so grateful that you do. Thank you for sticking with me and for all that you do!

Freya, with Rebel Edit & Design. Lady, your design skills still amaze me so much! Thank you so much for working so hard on Always Wanting’s cover! It couldn’t have turned out more fabulous!

BT and Julie, thank you so much for allowing me to put you on my cover! You two knocked it out of the park with chemistry!

Reggie, with RplusM Photography, thank you for taking such beautiful photos and allowing me to use one for my cover!

To the bloggers, there are not enough words to express my gratitude for all that you do. Thank you a thousand times over!

And to the readers, thank you so very much for taking a chance on me. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, it’s YOU that gives an author’s words meaning.