
I’m sitting on the couch, beer in one hand and phone in the other. There’s a football game on the television but it’s halftime, and my team is kicking the other’s ass at the moment, so I decide to check a few work emails.

It’s been a little over a week since I became one of the luckiest men on earth, when Abby let me back into her life. Since that night, we’ve pretty much been together the entire time, except while we’re at work. We both leave in the morning, and as soon as either of us get off work, we come straight back to Abby’s place. We’ve fucked like horny rabbits, sporadically throughout the day and night. Abby’s body hasn’t had the chance to inflict her painful cravings because she gets the relief she needs before she actually needs it.

Although, most of time has been screwing each other’s brains out, we’ve also gotten to know quite a bit about each other. Abby seems to be different this time around. She’s more open with her inner feelings, whereas before, she seemed to close part of herself off. She smiles more, and the darkness I sensed around her before isn’t there. This makes me happy beyond belief. I want her as happy as

can be, and I want to be the person that makes her that way. I’m not fooled into thinking our life together will be perfect. I know we’ll have our ups and downs, and I’m sure there may be times when Abby may still try to push me away for self-preservation, and because she’s still insecure about her abilities, but I know we can make it through those tough times together. I’ll just have to remind her each time she gets too much in her head.

I glance up from my phone, just as she struts by. My cock immediately stands at attention. She’s wearing nothing but one of my white button-up shirts. Her hair, which looks like she hasn’t even brushed it yet today, is loose around her shoulders. Every single time I see her, she takes my breath away, and I thank God for walking in that day to Blackie’s and her literally running into me. It’s one of the best days of my life.

“Stop,” I command with a thick voice.

She stops in her tracks and turns my way, her brow raised in question. My eyes devour the sinful site before me.

“Come here.” This time, I manage to strengthen my voice so I don’t sound like some pussy fifteen-year-old boy waiting for his first fuck.

Seeing the look on my face, a sexy smirk slides across her face as she purposely swings her hips seductively on her way over to me. My gaze stays glued to her until she stops several feet away from me.

Throwing one hand on her hip, she purrs, “Can I help you?”

I still have my beer and phone in my hands, and I grip them both tighter. I take a much-needed gulp of the beer, before setting it down on the end table. My phone lands on the couch beside me.

My gaze travels from her bare feet, up her tanned shapely legs, over her full hips and waist. They linger on her nipples that I can see poking through the material of my shirt. The top few buttons are undone, tempting me with the curve of one breast. I notice her chest rising and falling faster than normal. When my eyes land on her face, she has a beautiful flush on her cheeks, and her mouth is open, panting.

Yeah, she’s turned on as much as I am.

“There’s something I want to try,” I tell her.

I’ve come up with several ideas over the past few days, but I haven’t brought them up yet. I want to experiment with her addiction, and see if there are ways around it. I want to try to find ways to offset her withdrawals. We haven’t really talked more about her addiction, so I hope she won’t be opposed to at least try my suggestions.

I’ve thrown her. I can see it on her face. I crook my finger and beckon her to come to me. “Come closer, Abby.”

She closes the distance between us, stopping when her legs brush the inside of mine. Placing my hands on her hips, I pull her forward until she’s forced to straddle my lap. I slide my hands underneath the shirt so they meet the flesh of her waist and look up at her.

“I know you still worry about your addiction, so I’ve been thinking. What if there are ways we can work around it where your body still gets what is craves, just not in the way it’s used to getting it? Sort of like tricking it into believing that it’s been satisfied.”

Her brows draw down into a frown, unsure of what I’m getting at. “What do you mean?”

“Okay, so hear me out before you say anything.” I stop long enough for her to nod. “You’ve said yourself that you only need that release once a day, and it can’t be self-induced. I assume your body wants the release of a man, correct?”

“That’s my guess, yes. I think for some reason, my mind has trained my body into thinking it needs a man to cum inside me, even if technically I can’t feel it because he’s wearing a condom.” She shrugs. “I think it’s more of the emotional aspect of the man cumming in me more than anything.” She looks down at her hands, her eyes showing a hint of hurt, and I know she’s remembering the bastard kid that forced himself on her. “Maybe because of what Darren did… when he kept cumming on me…”

I don’t let her finish before I’m up off the couch and have her in my arms. Rage, hatred, and a pure need to do irreparable damage to Darren tries to take over my senses. Red clouds my vision, and I have to force the dark thoughts away. I won’t let that bastard ruin this. It’s time I wash his touch away once and for all.

I stalk down the hallway, her eyes watching me wearily. Once I make it to the bedroom, I lower her to the bed.

“Get undressed,” I tell her, gripping the back of my shirt and pulling it over my head.

She eyes me curiously, but gets to her knees and starts unbuttoning the white shirt. After tossing it to the floor, she asks, “What do you have planned?”

I slide my pants down and kick them to the side, before placing a knee on the bed between her legs. She lies back on her elbows, and I bring her panties over her hips and down her silky legs.

“We’re getting rid of any lingering memories of the fucker that touched you. Just keep an open mind, okay?”

Blowing out an unsteady breath, she says softly, “Okay.”

I smile, relieved she’s giving me a chance. She doesn’t know what I have planned, but she’s trusting me to try something new with her body.