“Colt, I’m not getting into this with you,” she says angrily. “I’m a big girl and can make decisions on my own. What Lukas and I do, what he’s done in the past, is between us. End of story.”

At least the real Tera is starting to show her face again. Sometimes, I want to put her over my knee and swat her ass like our father used to do, but I’d rather have her attitude versus the defeated sounding girl she was a few minutes ago.

Why in the fuck do I even try? She’s right. She is a big girl. But she’s my little sister, and it bites my ass that she’s with someone that I know will break her heart one day. Lukas isn’t the type of guy that sticks with one girl for long. He’ll get what he wants from Tera, then forget all about her. But what sends bile to my throat and nearly gags me is what he’ll do to her while he does have her.

To say that Lukas is rough in bed is a major understatement. He not only damages the women he sleeps with, he likes to degrade them and make them do things that would make even the most experienced dominant cringe. His practices are downright gruesome at times.

My knuckles turn white as I grip the countertop behind me. Aside from kidnapping my sister and hiding her from the likes of Lukas, there’s not a damn thing I can do to make her see reason. Especially if she knows his reputation and is still willing to stay.

“I cannot fucking believe you want to be with him, knowing what he’s capable of,” I growl, unable to hold back the disgust in my voice.

“Well, you’ve got no choice but to believe it. I’m hanging up now, because this conversation is pointless. I just wanted to let you know I’m okay. I’m going to be with Lukas for the next few days. Tell Mom I’ll call her later.”

Before I can respond, she hangs up. I grip my phone until I hear the plastic creak under the pressure. I drop it on the counter before I decide to throw the damn thing through the mirror. I can’t deal with this shit right now. I’ve got my own problems I need to see to, and dealing with Tera and her refusal to see Lukas for the bastard he is, is something that will have to be dealt with later. However, I highly doubt she’ll ever see things my way.

I’ve still got another hour and a half before the work day starts, but I get dressed anyway. I’m still tired, but there’s no way I’ll be getting anymore sleep now.

I get dressed and brush my teeth. Flipping lights on as I go, I walk to the employee breakroom and start a pot of coffee. As I stand there and watch it brew, I think back to Abby and her own refusal to let me in. She reminds me a lot of Tera. They are both stubborn as hell, but still carry a soul-deep innocence. Tera’s stems from her young age, whereas Abby’s is from her deep-seated need to be wanted and accepted, flaws and all.

I don’t know how I’m going to get through to Abby, but I won’t stop trying until I do. The pills she’s taking to help some of her cravings is running low. That means my time is running out. I don’t have a plan yet to prove to her I’m not going anywhere, but she’s going to learn real soon that she may be tenacious in her beliefs that we won’t work out, but she hasn’t seen anything yet.

I’m getting my girl, and she’ll have to accept that cold hard fact. I can be just as stubborn as her.

Chapter Sixteen


“What am I going to do? What the fuck am I going to do, Nathan?”

I furiously pace my living room. My hands clench and unclench by my sides. I reach the table and spin on my heel, making my way back to the other side of the room. As I pass by, I turn my head to Nathan, who’s sitting on the couch, both arms sitting casually on the back with his legs spread out in front of him. He looks so fucking comfortable there, while I’m freaking the hell out. I give him the stink eye, but he just smirks.

“You think this shit is funny?” I fume. “Do you have any fucking clue what I’m going through right now? How fucking scared I am?”

His smirk leaves his lips and he drops his arms from the couch. Patting the cushion beside him, he demands, “Sit.”

I ignore him and continue my angry stride across the room. Every pass I make is by the pill bottle, sitting in the middle of the coffee table, like a bright fucking beacon that carries the last of my supply, a supply I’ll take tonight. I glare at it, silently willing it to miraculously produce more pills.

“I can’t do this,” I mutter to myself. “I knew I should have called my doctor. Why in the hell didn’t I call and make an appointment to get a refill?”

Pissed at my own stupidity, I kick the leg of the coffee table, knocking over the bottle, then wince in pain.

“Ouch! Fuck!” I scream, gripping my hair and giving it a tug. I feel like any minute, I’m going to lose my mind.

“Abby,” Nathan calls, raising his voice.

I turn to look at him, but before he can say anything, I ask with a note of desperation in my voice, “Can you get something for me? Do you know someone that can hook me up? Or I can call Tegan or Ava…” I trail off.

What in the hell am I doing? Am I so far gone that I’m asking my best friend to break the law and get me drugs? Shame weighs heavily on me. All because my dumbass won’t go out and find a guy willing to take care of my problem. Or hell, even ask Nathan to do it. I just can’t see myself sleeping with some strange guy yet. I know Nathan would help, but I’m not ready for that, either. It would be so much easier if I never met Colt. Sadness punches me square in the gut with the thought.

It’s been ten days since I’ve seen or heard from him. Ten very long, very painful days. My heart has never hurt so much in my life. Even now, it pounds painfully against my ribs.

“Abby,” Nathan barks, bringing me out my destitute state. “Sit the fuck down.” His eyes are hard slits as I walk over to the couch and flop down on the cushion beside him. I cross my arms over my chest and pout like a damn child not getting her way.

“Look at me,” he growls, piquing my anger even more, but I’m so damn conflicted, I do what he says anyway. “Why don’t you just stop this shit and call him.”

“You know why,” I grind out between clenched teeth. Why is he suggesting this shit? He knows I can’t do that. “I won’t put him through this. He deserves better than me.”

“Bullshit.” He holds out a hand when I try to speak. “Fine, whatever. Then get your ass up and get dressed in one of your sexy outfits. We’re going to Bla