I also don’t think her days would be any worse than what they are if I didn’t come to her each night. I think her addiction is worse at night, and as long as she can make it through the night, she’ll be fine. I sure as shit am not ready to test that theory out yet, though. I need these nights too much. It may be selfish of me, but at the moment, I don’t care.

I stay hovering over Abby for another thirty minutes, before pulling her back against me once again. I’ll give myself a few more minutes of holding her before I get up to leave.

Kissing the back of her neck, right over the mark I left earlier, I murmur, “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.” Reluctantly, I climb from the bed, my dick still hard from being pressed against her, and make my way to the bathroom on silent feet. Using a washcloth, I wash away the mixture of mine and Abby’s release, before wetting another cloth with warm water and walking back out to Abby. Very carefully, I wipe away the cum still leaking out of her. I always make sure I clean her before I leave. Not because I worry she’ll see the evidence left behind of me being here, although that should be a worry. I do it because a man should take care of his woman in that way. She moans in her sleep, but doesn’t wake up, still too doped up on the drugs.

After depositing both washcloths in the hamper, I get dressed. I choose to dress as close to the bed as possible, so I can keep my eyes on Abby for as long as possible. I take my time, lingering around longer than I should. All too soon, I’m dressed. Bending down, I place a soft kiss against her lips, before leaving the woman behind that I love beyond all reason.

I don’t go home. Instead, I head straight for the office. There’s no sense in going to my house when I’d only have to get up in a few hours anyway. I have a stash of suits in my office, and a shower in the bathroom that’s connected to my office. When I first started my own business, I was at work more than I was at home. I had the bathroom installed because I knew there would be a lot of late nights and early mornings for me. Over the years, my workaholic ways have lessened, so my need to use the en suite shower has lessened. Or it has until this week. The last night I’d slept in my apartment was the night Abby broke things off. Since then, I only go home after work for a few hours, opting to come

straight here after I leave Abby, shower, and catch a couple hours of sleep on the sofa in my office. My routine leaves me tired as hell, but worth every single second of lost sleep.

I drop my suit on the back of the chair and head straight to the bathroom. Turning the dial on the shower to warm, I strip down. The water feels good, running down my back and shoulders. Ten minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom in a towel, slip on some boxer briefs, and fall to the leather sofa. The cleaning crew has already been through the office, so I don’t worry about anyone walking in on me sleeping damn near naked on the couch.

Lying on my back, I throw one arm over my eyes, and it’s not long before exhaustion takes over and I’m out like a light.

I wake to an irritating buzzing sound and reach over blindly to grab my phone from the coffee table. Squinting my eyes open, the screen shows Tera, and I sit up.

“Where in the fuck have you been?” I growl into my phone as my way of saying hello. “I’ve been calling you for days.”

My sister sounds tired, and not her usual bitchy self when she replies. “I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot going on. I… I needed time to think.”

“And you couldn’t tell me and Mom that?”

The day after Abby broke up with me, I went to my mom’s house to talk to Tera, only to find she left earlier that morning, and my mom didn’t know where she went.

“No,” she sighs. “I just wanted to be left alone and not talk to anyone.”

I lean over and run my hands through my hair, before resting my elbows on my knees. Tera tends to run off when she encounters a problem, versus facing it. She’s always been that way, even as a child. If not for knowing that was her usual behavior, and the couple of messages from her saying she was okay, I would have worried.

“What in the hell did Lukas do?” I ask, knowing this has something to do with him.

“Nothing. It was all a misunderstanding between me and him.” Her voice sounds small, like she still has a lot on her mind. I don’t like hearing the uncertainty in her voice. It’s so different than the self-assured girl that I know.

Knowing I won’t get anything out of her, she’s one of the most stubborn people I know, I ask something else.

“Where are you?”

“With Lukas.”

I grit my teeth and get up from the couch. It’s still dark outside, the horizon just now starting to show a light purple color, indicating the sun will start showing itself soon. I fucking hate that she’s with him right now, especially because I fucking know he’s the root of her problems.

“Is that wise?”

“Colt, please don’t start.”

“I just don’t understand why you’re with him, Tera.”

I walk over and grab my suit from the back of the chair and carry it to the bathroom. After hanging it on the back of the door, I lean back against the sink.

“Because you don’t know him like I do.” I can hear the irritation in her voice, and I know I’m talking to a brick wall. My sister can be so damn naïve at times.

“You’re right. But you don’t know him like I do, either. He’s done things, Tera. With women. Things that would make you cringe.”

“I know,” she whispers, shocking the shit out of me.

“What the hell do you mean, you know? There’s no fucking way you know what he’s done and still want to be with him.”

I refuse to believe my sister would condone the things Lukas Black has done with women and be okay with it. He’s a twisted son of a bitch that likes to hurt them.